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SQL Rolling Average Calculation using Window Functions

SQL query calculating rolling average of a column over a specified time frame using window functions. Input: date_column, value_column. Output: date_column, value_column, rolling_avg.

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Can you provide a query that utilizes window functions in SQL to calculate a rolling average of a specific column over a specified time frame?


Query Using Window Functions to Calculate Rolling Average

-- Query to calculate rolling average using window functions
    AVG(value_column) OVER (ORDER BY date_column ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS rolling_avg


  • The query calculates a rolling average of a specific column (value_column) over a specified time frame.
  • date_column is the column representing the dates.
  • value_column is the column for which the rolling average needs to be calculated.
  • OVER (ORDER BY date_column ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) defines the window frame for the average calculation. In this case, it calculates the average of the current row and the two preceding rows.
  • The result includes date_column, original value_column, and the calculated rolling_avg.
  • your_table_name should be replaced with the actual name of the table in your database.
  • The result set is ordered by date_column to show the data in chronological order.

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SQL query calculating rolling average of a column over a specified time frame using window functions. Input: date_column, value_column. Output: date_column, value_column, rolling_avg.