Exception Handler | Python

Code Error Correction

Correcting code to prevent ZeroDivisionError in function `divide_by_zero` by ensuring the generated number is not zero and adding specific exception handling.

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import random

def divide_by_zero():
    x = random.randint(0, 1)
    return 1 / x

    result = divide_by_zero()
except Exception as e:


User Concerns Analysis:

The user has pointed out that the code provided will throw an error because it is attempting to divide by zero in the function divide_by_zero. This issue can lead to a ZeroDivisionError and needs to be corrected.

Code Inspection:

The code has the following issues:

  1. The function divide_by_zero generates a random number that could be 0, leading to division by zero.
  2. The try-except block catches any exception but doesn't specifically handle the ZeroDivisionError.

Code Rectification:

I will rectify the code by:

  1. Ensuring that the function divide_by_zero does not divide by zero.
  2. Adding specific handling for the ZeroDivisionError.
import random

def divide_by_zero():
    x = random.randint(1, 10)  # Update to ensure x is not 0
    return 1 / x

    result = divide_by_zero()
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Division by zero is not allowed.")
except Exception as e:

Commenting on Corrections:

  1. Changed the random number generation to ensure x is not 0, avoiding division by zero.
  2. Added a specific exception handling for ZeroDivisionError to provide a meaningful message when attempting to divide by zero.
  3. These corrections preserve the core functionality of the code while preventing ZeroDivisionError and improving error handling.

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Correcting code to prevent ZeroDivisionError in function divide_by_zero by ensuring the generated number is not zero and adding specific exception handling.