Formula Fixer | Python

Concurrent Square Root Calculator

This project aims to provide a concurrent solution for calculating the square root of a list of numbers using multiple worker threads. The code utilizes a synchronized queue to distribute the tasks among the worker threads and ensures proper terminat...

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import threading
from queue import Queue
from random import randint
import time

class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, queue):
        self.queue = queue

    def run(self):
        while True:
            item = self.queue.get()

def compute_squareroot(n):
        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError("Negative numbers can't have a square root!")
    except ValueError as ve:
        print("ValueError Raised: ", ve)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unexpected Error: ", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    my_queue = Queue()
    for i in range(10):
        worker = WorkerThread(my_queue)
        worker.daemon = True
    for i in range(20):
        my_queue.put(randint(-10, 20))
    print('Main thread exiting...')


User's Concerns Analysis:

The user has not clearly specified the concerns they have with the code. However, after analyzing the code, the following concerns can be identified:

  1. The code is missing an import statement for the math module, which is required for the math.sqrt() function.
  2. The queue is not being properly synchronized, which may cause unexpected behavior.
  3. The code does not handle the scenario when the queue is empty and all worker threads have finished.
  4. The code does not handle the termination of worker threads when there are no more items in the queue.
  5. The code does not provide a way to gracefully terminate the program.

I will now inspect the code to identify any other issues and address the concerns mentioned above.

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The Concurrent Square Root Calculator is designed to efficiently calculate the square root of a list of numbers using concurrent processing. The program utilizes multiple worker threads to perform the calculations concurrently, improving the overall computation speed.

The program starts by reading a list of numbers from an input file or accepts user input. It then creates a synchronized queue to hold the numbers, which will be processed by the worker threads.

Each worker thread retrieves a number from the queue, calculates its square root using the math.sqrt() function, and stores the result in an output list. The process continues until all numbers have been processed.

To address the concerns mentioned, the code will be modified as follows:

  1. An import statement for the math module will be added to fix the math.sqrt() function error.
  2. The synchronized keyword or a mutex will be used to ensure proper synchronization of the queue, avoiding any concurrency issues.
  3. The program will check if the queue is empty before trying to retrieve items to prevent unexpected behavior.
  4. The worker threads will be terminated gracefully when there are no more items in the queue, preventing any potential errors.
  5. A termination mechanism will be implemented, allowing the user to stop the program execution at any time.

These modifications will enhance the reliability, efficiency, and user-friendliness of the Concurrent Square Root Calculator.