Unit Test Writer | DAX

DAX Summary Table for Products by Color and Total Sales Analysis

This analysis evaluates a DAX code snippet that creates a summary table grouping products by color and calculating total sales for products with a size of "M". Unit tests cover essential functionality, boundary cases, and edge scenarios

Empty image or helper icon


Sure, here is the advanced DAX code snippet:

   "Total Sales", CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], 'Product'[Size] = "M" )


Code Snippet Analysis

The provided DAX code snippet aims to create a summary table that groups products by color and calculates the total sales for products with a size of "M".

Test Case Development

  1. Essential Functionality Test:

    • Check if the summary table is correctly grouped by product color.
    • Verify that total sales are calculated accurately for products with a size of "M".
  2. Boundary Case Test:

    • Test the scenario where there are no products with a size of "M".
    • Verify the behavior when there are products of all available colors.
  3. Edge Scenario Test:

    • Test the case where multiple products have the same color.
    • Check the performance with a large dataset of products.
    • Verify the behavior when other filters are applied alongside the size filter.

Assertion Implementation

Test 1: Essential Functionality Test

    "TestResult", COUNTROWS (
            "Total Sales", CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], 'Product'[Size] = "M" )
    ) = COUNTROWS('Product') && 
    ISEMPTY(FILTER('Product', 'Product'[Size] = "M"))

Test 2: Boundary Case Test

    "TestResult", COUNTROWS (
            "Total Sales", CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], 'Product'[Size] = "M" )
    ) > 0

Test 3: Edge Scenario Test

    "TestResult", COUNTROWS (
            "Total Sales", CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], 'Product'[Size] = "M" )
    ) > 0

By following these unit tests in DAX, developers can verify the correctness and reliability of the provided code snippet, ensuring that it functions as intended under various scenarios. This approach can significantly aid in automating the validation process and improving code quality.

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This analysis evaluates a DAX code snippet that creates a summary table grouping products by color and calculating total sales for products with a size of "M". Unit tests cover essential functionality, boundary cases, and edge scenarios to verify code accuracy and reliability.