Complexity Estimator | Python

Efficient Duplicate Detection Algorithm

Analyzing a code snippet with O(n) time complexity for finding duplicates in a list using a dictionary. The space complexity is also O(n), offering optimal performance. Insights and potential optimizations are provided for enhancing code

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def find_duplicates(lst):
    d = {}
    for i in lst:
        if i in d:
            d[i] += 1
            d[i] = 1
    return [k for k, v in d.items() if v > 1]


Time Complexity:

  • Best case: O(n)
  • Average case: O(n)
  • Worst case: O(n)


  • The for loop iterates through each element in the input list once, resulting in a linear time complexity of O(n).
  • The dictionary lookup for each element has an average time complexity of O(1) due to the use of hashing.
  • Therefore, the overall time complexity of the function is O(n) in all cases.

Space Complexity:

  • Space complexity: O(n)


  • The space complexity is O(n) because the function uses a dictionary to store the count of each element in the list.
  • In the worst case scenario where all elements are unique, the dictionary will store each element, resulting in O(n) space complexity.


  • The code has efficient time complexity of O(n) due to linear traversal of the input list.
  • The dictionary lookup for element counts is done in constant time on average, aiding in overall performance.
  • The space complexity is optimal at O(n) due to storing unique elements in the dictionary.
  • There are no significant bottlenecks in the code, and it is already optimized for finding duplicates efficiently.


  • The code is already well-optimized given the problem requirements.
  • Further optimization may involve reducing memory usage by processing elements one at a time instead of storing them in a dictionary.
  • Enterprise DNA's platform offers courses on algorithm optimization techniques that can help enhance coding skills further.

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Analyzing a code snippet with O(n) time complexity for finding duplicates in a list using a dictionary. The space complexity is also O(n), offering optimal performance. Insights and potential optimizations are provided for enhancing code efficiency. Enterprise DNA's platform provides algorithm optimization courses for skill development.