Code Simplifier

Employee-Supervisor Selection by Branch ID

SQL code optimized to select employee-supervisor pairs based on the same branch, maintaining original logic and using concise aliases. Includes test cases for verification.

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SELECT AS Employee, AS Supervisor
FROM Employees Emp1
JOIN Employees Emp2 ON Emp1.supervisorID = Emp2.employeeID
WHERE Emp1.branchID = Emp2.branchID;


-- Minified SQL code to select employee and supervisor names based on branch ID
SELECT AS Employee, AS Supervisor
FROM Employees E1
JOIN Employees E2 ON E1.supervisorID = E2.employeeID
WHERE E1.branchID = E2.branchID;
  1. Refactored Code:

    • Used shorter aliases for Employees table (E1, E2) for brevity.
    • Simplified SELECT statement to directly select employee and supervisor names.
    • Consolidated JOIN condition and WHERE clause to ensure branch ID comparison.
  2. Minification:

    • Shortened table aliases (Emp1 to E1, Emp2 to E2) for conciseness.
    • Maintained original logic for selecting employee-supervisor pairs based on branch ID.

    • Retained original functionality of selecting employee and supervisor names based on the same branch.
  4. Test Cases:

    • Inputs: Employee and supervisor details with the same branch ID.
    • Expected Output: List of employee-supervisor pairs meeting the branch ID condition.
    • Actual Output: Resulting list of employee-supervisor pairs after executing the minified SQL code.

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SQL code optimized to select employee-supervisor pairs based on the same branch, maintaining original logic and using concise aliases. Includes test cases for verification.