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Excel Index-Match Formula Overview

This documentation explains the logic, syntax, steps, and benefits of using the INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel for efficient data retrieval and lookup tasks. It provides a comprehensive guide for utilizing this powerful formula, contributing

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How does the index-match formula work in Excel for searching and retrieving data from a table?


Excel Index-Match Formula Documentation

The INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel is used to search and retrieve data from a table based on specified criteria. Below is an explanation of how the formula works:

Index-Match Formula Logic

The INDEX function returns the value of a cell in a table based on the row and column numbers. The MATCH function is used to locate the position of a specified value within a range.

Index-Match Formula Syntax

The syntax for the INDEX and MATCH combination is:

=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_range, 0))
  • return_range: The range from which to return a value.
  • lookup_value: The value to search for.
  • lookup_range: The range to search for the lookup value.
  • 0: Exact match type.

Index-Match Steps

  1. The MATCH function locates the position of the lookup_value within the lookup_range.
  2. This position is used by the INDEX function to return the corresponding value from the return_range.

Example Usage

Consider a dataset with sales data, where we want to retrieve the sales amount for a specific product. The formula would be:

=INDEX(SalesAmountRange, MATCH(ProductName, ProductRange, 0))
  • SalesAmountRange: Range containing sales amounts.
  • ProductName: Name of the product to lookup.
  • ProductRange: Range containing product names.

Benefits of Index-Match

  • Offers flexibility in horizontal and vertical lookups.
  • Can handle left-to-right lookups, unlike VLOOKUP.
  • Works efficiently with large datasets.


The INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel provides a powerful and versatile way to search and retrieve data from a table. It's widely used for its flexibility in handling various lookup scenarios and its ability to handle complex data structures.

By mastering this formula, users can efficiently retrieve specific data points within their datasets, contributing to better data analysis and decision-making processes within Excel.

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This documentation explains the logic, syntax, steps, and benefits of using the INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel for efficient data retrieval and lookup tasks. It provides a comprehensive guide for utilizing this powerful formula, contributing to better data analysis and decision-making processes within Excel.