
** Excel Index-Match Formula **

** This Excel formula searches for a value in a range or table, returning the corresponding value based on specified criteria. It utilizes the MATCH function to find the position of the value and the INDEX function to retrieve the value at that

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** Excel Index-Match Formula **


** This Excel formula searches for a value in a range or table, returning the corresponding value based on specified criteria. It utilizes the MATCH function to find the position of the value and the INDEX function to retrieve the value at that position.

** Excel Index-Match Formula **

Tool: Code Generator

Created: 02/02/2024


Can you explain how in Excel the formule index-match should be working

Function Name:

Excel Index-Match Formula


This Excel formula is used to look up a value from a specific row or column in a given range or table.


  • Lookup_value: The value to be searched for.
  • Lookup_array: The range or table where the lookup_value will be searched.
  • Match_type: 0 for an exact match, 1 for the largest value less than or equal to the lookup_value, -1 for the smallest value greater than or equal to the lookup_value.

Return Type:

The value retrieved from the lookup_array based on the specified criteria.



Formula Syntax:

=INDEX(lookup_array, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type))


  • MATCH Function: Finds the position of a value within a range or table.

    • Parameters:
      • lookup_value: The value to be searched for.
      • lookup_array: The range or table where the lookup_value will be searched.
      • match_type: 0 for an exact match, 1 for the largest value less than or equal to the lookup_value, -1 for the smallest value greater than or equal to the lookup_value.
  • INDEX Function: Returns the value at a given row and column within a range or table.

    • Parameters:
      • array: The range or table containing the value to be returned.
      • row_num: The row number within the array from which to retrieve the value.
      • column_num: The column number within the array from which to retrieve the value.


Suppose we have a table containing sales data with "Product ID" in column A and "Sales Amount" in column B. To find the sales amount for a specific product ID (e.g., "Prod001"), we can use the Index-Match formula as follows:

=INDEX(B:B, MATCH("Prod001", A:A, 0))

This formula would return the sales amount of "Prod001" by first locating its position using the MATCH function and then retrieving the corresponding sales amount using the INDEX function.

Excel Index-Match Formula Overview

Tool: Documentation Generator

Created: 02/02/2024


How does the index-match formula work in Excel for searching and retrieving data from a table?

Excel Index-Match Formula Documentation

The INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel is used to search and retrieve data from a table based on specified criteria. Below is an explanation of how the formula works:

Index-Match Formula Logic

The INDEX function returns the value of a cell in a table based on the row and column numbers. The MATCH function is used to locate the position of a specified value within a range.

Index-Match Formula Syntax

The syntax for the INDEX and MATCH combination is:

=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_range, 0))
  • return_range: The range from which to return a value.
  • lookup_value: The value to search for.
  • lookup_range: The range to search for the lookup value.
  • 0: Exact match type.

Index-Match Steps

  1. The MATCH function locates the position of the lookup_value within the lookup_range.
  2. This position is used by the INDEX function to return the corresponding value from the return_range.

Example Usage

Consider a dataset with sales data, where we want to retrieve the sales amount for a specific product. The formula would be:

=INDEX(SalesAmountRange, MATCH(ProductName, ProductRange, 0))
  • SalesAmountRange: Range containing sales amounts.
  • ProductName: Name of the product to lookup.
  • ProductRange: Range containing product names.

Benefits of Index-Match

  • Offers flexibility in horizontal and vertical lookups.
  • Can handle left-to-right lookups, unlike VLOOKUP.
  • Works efficiently with large datasets.


The INDEX and MATCH combination in Excel provides a powerful and versatile way to search and retrieve data from a table. It's widely used for its flexibility in handling various lookup scenarios and its ability to handle complex data structures.

By mastering this formula, users can efficiently retrieve specific data points within their datasets, contributing to better data analysis and decision-making processes within Excel.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula

Tool: Documentation Generator

Created: 02/02/2024


How does the index-match formula work in Excel for searching and retrieving data from a table?
=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_range, 0))


The Excel INDEX-MATCH formula is used to search and retrieve data from a table. It is particularly useful for looking up a value in one column and returning a corresponding value from another column in the same row.


  • return_range: The range from which to retrieve the value.
  • lookup_value: The value to search for.
  • lookup_range: The range where the lookup_value is located.
  • 0 (zero): This parameter specifies an exact match for the lookup_value.

Return Type

The formula returns the value found at the intersection where the matching row and specified column meet.

Method Logic

  1. MATCH Function: It searches for the lookup_value in the lookup_range and returns the relative position.
  2. INDEX Function: With the relative position returned by the MATCH function, the INDEX function retrieves the value from the corresponding position in the return_range.

Example Usage

=INDEX(B2:B10, MATCH(A15, A2:A10, 0))

In this example, the formula searches for the value in cell A15 within the range A2:A10. It then returns the value from the corresponding row in the range B2:B10.


The formula may return #N/A error if the lookup_value is not found in the lookup_range.

Inline Comments

Inline comments can clarify the purpose of each parameter and the step-by-step logic of how the formula works. ```