Code Extender | DAX

Extending DAX function for leap year handling in daily revenue

Explaining how to adjust an existing DAX formula to account for leap years in daily revenue calculations by adding leap year logic and adjusting days in February.

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Extend the existing DAX function to include handling of leap years, ensuring the daily revenue calculations account for the correct number of days in each month.


Certainly! Here we provide an example of extending an existing DAX function to handle leap years in the daily revenue calculations.

Existing Code Snippet

-- This DAX function calculates the daily revenue
Daily Revenue = 
    Sales[Revenue] / CALCULATE (
        COUNTROWS ( Calendar ),
        Calendar[Date] >= Sales[StartDate] && Calendar[Date] <= Sales[EndDate]


To adjust the DAX equation to correctly count the number of days in each month, including handling leap years (where February has 29 days instead of 28).

Analysis and Strategy

The calculation of the daily revenue depends on the number of days between Sales[StartDate] and Sales[EndDate]. Thus, we need to ensure that this period correctly accounts for leap years.

Extended Code Snippet

To incorporate leap year handling, we can modify the code as follows:

-- This updated DAX function calculates the daily revenue accounting for leap years
Daily Revenue = 
    Sales[Revenue] / CALCULATE (
            "IsLeapYear", IF (
                YEAR ( Calendar[Date] ) % 4 = 0 && (
                    YEAR ( Calendar[Date] ) % 100 <> 0 || YEAR ( Calendar[Date] ) % 400 = 0
                ), 1, 0
            "DaysInMonth", IF (
                MONTH ( Calendar[Date] ) = 2,
                IF (
                    [IsLeapYear] = 1, 29, 28
                SWITCH (
                    MONTH ( Calendar[Date] ),
                    1, 31,
                    3, 31,
                    4, 30,
                    5, 31,
                    6, 30,
                    7, 31,
                    8, 31,
                    9, 30,
                    10, 31,
                    11, 30,
                    12, 31,
        Calendar[Date] >= Sales[StartDate] && Calendar[Date] <= Sales[EndDate]


Leap Year Calculation

  • A leap year occurs if:
    • The year is divisible by 4
    • Additionally, if the year is divisible by 100, it must also be divisible by 400.

Adjusting Days in February

  • If it's a leap year, February has 29 days; otherwise, it has 28 days.


  1. Adding IsLeapYear Column: Determines whether the year of each date entry in the calendar is a leap year.
  2. Calculating DaysInMonth: Adjusts the days in February based on leap year calculation and correctly returns days for other months using a SWITCH statement.

This modification ensures that the daily revenue calculation accurately reflects the number of days in each month, including proper handling of leap years.

For further specialized training on DAX and related functionalities, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform.

This extended function adheres to DAX best practices and integrates seamlessly with the existing code structure, making the code more robust and accurate, especially for financial reporting.

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Explaining how to adjust an existing DAX formula to account for leap years in daily revenue calculations by adding leap year logic and adjusting days in February.