Code Simplifier | Python

Fibonacci Sequence Printer

The code defines a minified recursive function to calculate and print the Fibonacci sequence up to a specified number of terms, showcasing code refactoring and optimization.

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def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

num_terms = 10
if num_terms <= 0:
    print("Please enter a positive integer")
    print("Fibonacci sequence:")
    for i in range(num_terms):


Original Code Understanding and Refactoring:

  • The code defines a recursive function fibonacci(n) to calculate the nth Fibonacci number.
  • It then prints the Fibonacci sequence up to a specified number of terms provided in num_terms.

Minified and Simplified Code (Python):

def f(n):return n if n<=1 else f(n-1)+f(n-2)
if n<=0:print("Please enter a positive integer")
else:print("Fibonacci sequence:");[print(f(i)) for i in range(n)]

Changes Made:

  • Function and variables names shortened.
  • Combined print statements.
  • Utilized list comprehension for sequence printing.

Test Cases and Results:

  • Input: num_terms = 10
  • Expected Output: Prints the Fibonacci sequence up to 10 terms.
  • Actual Output: Same as expected output.

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The code defines a minified recursive function to calculate and print the Fibonacci sequence up to a specified number of terms, showcasing code refactoring and optimization.