Complexity Estimator | Python

Fibonacci Time and Space Complexity Analysis

Analysis of the time and space complexity of a recursive Fibonacci function, exploring insights on inefficiencies and potential optimizations using memoization and iterative approaches.

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def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)



Time Complexity

  • Worst-case: O(2^n) due to the recursive calls for each Fibonacci number.
  • Best-case: O(1) when n <= 1.
  • Average-case: O(2^n) as each function call branches into two additional calls.

Space Complexity

  • Worst-case: O(n) due to the recursive calls stored in the call stack.
  • Best-case: O(1) when n <= 1.
  • Average-case: O(n) because the call stack will grow linearly with the input size.


  • The implementation has exponential time complexity, making it inefficient for large inputs.
  • Recursive calls result in redundant calculations for the same Fibonacci numbers.
  • Memoization technique can be utilized to optimize by storing previously computed Fibonacci values.
  • Converting the recursive function into an iterative approach can improve performance.

Potential Optimizations

  • Implement memoization to store intermediate results and avoid redundant calculations.
  • Refactor the code to an iterative solution to reduce the overhead associated with recursive calls.

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Analysis of the time and space complexity of a recursive Fibonacci function, exploring insights on inefficiencies and potential optimizations using memoization and iterative approaches.