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Membership Enrollment Growth Rate Calculator

This pseudocode outlines a method to calculate Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) growth rates for membership enrollments based on provided monthly enrollment data. It includes data sorting, calculations, and result

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Pseudocode: Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) Membership Enrollments


Calculate Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) growth rates for membership enrollments.

Key Definitions

  • YoY Growth Rate: Percentage change of enrollments compared to the same month in the previous year.
  • MoM Growth Rate: Percentage change of enrollments compared to the previous month.


  • enrollment_data: List of dictionaries containing monthly enrollment counts.
    • Each dictionary has keys: year, month, enrollments.


  • calculated_data: List of dictionaries containing the year, month, enrollments, YoY growth rate, and MoM growth rate.


  1. Initialize an empty list for calculated_data.
  2. Iterate through sorted enrollment_data.
  3. For each record, calculate YoY and MoM growth rates, if applicable.
  4. Append results to calculated_data.


FUNCTION calculate_growth_rates(enrollment_data):
    # Sort enrollment_data list by year, then by month
    sorted_data = SORT(enrollment_data BY year, month)

    # Initialize an empty list for the results
    calculated_data = []

    # Loop through sorted enrollment_data
    FOR i FROM 0 TO LENGTH(sorted_data) - 1:
        current_record = sorted_data[i]
        current_year = current_record["year"]
        current_month = current_record["month"]
        current_enrollments = current_record["enrollments"]

        # Initialize YoY and MoM growth rates
        YoY_growth_rate = NULL
        MoM_growth_rate = NULL

        # Calculate YoY growth rate if possible
        previous_year_record = FIND_RECORD(sorted_data, current_year - 1, current_month)
        IF previous_year_record EXISTS:
            previous_year_enrollments = previous_year_record["enrollments"]
            YoY_growth_rate = (current_enrollments - previous_year_enrollments) / previous_year_enrollments * 100

        # Calculate MoM growth rate if possible
        previous_month_record = FIND_RECORD(sorted_data, current_year, current_month - 1)
        IF NOT previous_month_record EXISTS AND current_month == 1:
            previous_month_record = FIND_RECORD(sorted_data, current_year - 1, 12)
        IF previous_month_record EXISTS:
            previous_month_enrollments = previous_month_record["enrollments"]
            MoM_growth_rate = (current_enrollments - previous_month_enrollments) / previous_month_enrollments * 100

        # Append calculated data to the results list
        calculated_record = {
            "year": current_year,
            "month": current_month,
            "enrollments": current_enrollments,
            "YoY_growth_rate": YoY_growth_rate,
            "MoM_growth_rate": MoM_growth_rate
        APPEND(calculated_data, calculated_record)

    RETURN calculated_data

# Helper Function to find a record by year and month
FUNCTION FIND_RECORD(data, year, month):
    FOR record IN data:
        IF record["year"] == year AND record["month"] == month:
            RETURN record


  • This pseudocode assumes that enrollment_data is a list of dictionaries and uses helper functions like SORT and FIND_RECORD.
  • For leap years and other calendar considerations, adjustments may be necessary.
  • To learn more about advanced analytics and pseudocode implementation, consider courses on the Enterprise DNA platform.

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This pseudocode outlines a method to calculate Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) growth rates for membership enrollments based on provided monthly enrollment data. It includes data sorting, calculations, and result compilation.