Pseudo Code Generator

Pseudocode for the `funn` Function

This document provides a structured pseudocode for the `funn` function, which computes a result by iterating over a specified range and updating a parameter based on arithmetic operations before returning the final sum.

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integer funn(integer a, integer b, integer c) for ( each c from 4 to 5 ) b=(8+2)b End for return a+b


Pseudocode for funn Function

Function Definition

Define the function funn with three integer parameters:

  • a
  • b
  • c

Main Logic

  1. Iterate over the values of c from 4 to 5 (inclusive).
  2. In each iteration, update b using the formula: b = (8 + 2) * b.
  3. After the loop, return the sum of a and the updated b.


FUNCTION funn(a, b, c):
    FOR c FROM 4 TO 5:
        b = (8 + 2) * b
    RETURN a + b


  • Function Definition: Declares the function funn with parameters a, b, and c.
  • For Loop: Loops through the values 4 and 5:
    • Updates the value of b by multiplying it by the result of (8 + 2), which is 10.
  • Return Statement: Returns the sum of a and the final value of b.

This pseudocode clearly outlines the steps needed to implement the funn function, focusing on iterating over a range of values and performing arithmetic operations inside the loop.

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This document provides a structured pseudocode for the funn function, which computes a result by iterating over a specified range and updating a parameter based on arithmetic operations before returning the final sum.