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Python SyntaxError Troubleshooting Guide

Detailed analysis of common causes of SyntaxError in Python, including incorrect indentation, mismatched parentheses/brackets, keyword misuse, and spelling errors, with examples and corrective actions.

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SyntaxError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/IPython/core/ in ast_parse(self, source, filename, symbol)
     99         Arguments are exactly the same as ast.parse (in the standard library),
    100         and are passed to the built-in compile function."""
--> 101         return compile(source, filename, symbol, self.flags | PyCF_ONLY_AST, 1)
    103     def reset_compiler_flags(self):

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<ipython-input-4-43999f28d9b2>, line 2)


Error Description and Rectification

User Concern Analysis

The user has encountered a SyntaxError while running Python code in an IPython (Jupyter) environment, specifically indicating "invalid syntax" at line 2 of the input. The error traceback suggests it occurred during the parsing phase of the code compilation.

Error Inspection

To effectively diagnose and rectify the error, we need to analyze the specific code that caused this SyntaxError. Without the exact code block, we can infer some of the common reasons that lead to a SyntaxError at line 2:

  1. Incorrect indentation.
  2. Mismatched or missing parentheses, brackets, or quotes.
  3. Improper use of Python keywords.
  4. Spelling errors in function names or variables.

An example of a common SyntaxError might look like this:

Example Code (with Syntax Error):

# Python
def example_function()
    print("Hello, World!")

In the above code, the function definition is missing a colon (:) at the end of the first line, which results in a SyntaxError.

Error Rectification

Corrected Code:

# Python
def example_function():
    print("Hello, World!")


  • Issue: The missing colon (:) after the function name example_function.
  • Correction: Added the colon to properly define the function.

This is a simple, illustrative correction. Below, I will provide a structured explanation of potential corrections for different types of common syntax errors.

Potential Corrections for Common Syntax Errors

  1. Incorrect Indentation:

    # Incorrect
    def example_function():
    print("Hello, World!")
    # Corrected
    def example_function():
        print("Hello, World!")  # Indented with 4 spaces
    • Issue: Lack of indentation for the print statement.
    • Correction: Indent statements inside the function for proper block definition.
  2. Mismatched Parentheses or Brackets:

    # Incorrect
    print("Hello, World!"
    # Corrected
    print("Hello, World!")
    • Issue: Missing closing parenthesis.
    • Correction: Ensure every opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing parenthesis.
  3. Improper Use of Keywords:

    # Incorrect
    class = "New Class"
    # Corrected
    class_name = "New Class"
    • Issue: class is a reserved keyword in Python.
    • Correction: Use a different variable name that is not a keyword.
  4. Spelling Errors in Function Names or Variables:

    # Incorrect
    prin("Hello, World!")
    # Corrected
    print("Hello, World!")
    • Issue: Misspelling of the function name print.
    • Correction: Correct the function name to the correct spelling.


The SyntaxError encountered is likely due to one of the common issues mentioned above. By carefully inspecting the code and ensuring proper syntax, indentation, and appropriate use of Python constructs, the error can be rectified.

For further learning and mastering Python coding best practices, consider exploring the resources and courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform. These resources can provide deeper insights and techniques to avoid such errors in the future. If you provide the exact code snippet, a more precise correction can be offered.

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Detailed analysis of common causes of SyntaxError in Python, including incorrect indentation, mismatched parentheses/brackets, keyword misuse, and spelling errors, with examples and corrective actions.