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React App with Dashboard Component

Detailed explanation of initializing a React application with an App component wrapping a Dashboard component, along with necessary imports and exports.

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import React from 'react';
import Dashboard from './components/Dashboard';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Dashboard />

export default App;


Explanation of the Code

1. Import Statements

The initial lines of code are importing necessary modules and files that are needed for the component to function correctly.

import React from 'react';
import Dashboard from './components/Dashboard';
import './App.css';
  • import React from 'react';: This line imports the React library which is necessary to use JSX and create React components.
  • import Dashboard from './components/Dashboard';: This line imports a component named Dashboard from a file located in the components directory.
  • import './App.css';: This line imports a CSS file named App.css to style the component.

2. Definition of the App Component

The App function is a React component which follows the standard React component structure.

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Dashboard />
  • function App() { ... }: This defines a function named App which represents a functional component in React.
  • <div className="App"> ... </div>: This is a JSX syntax. It creates a div HTML element with a CSS class of App.
    • className="App": className is how you apply CSS classes in React, equivalent to class in traditional HTML.
  • <Dashboard />: This JSX syntax renders the Dashboard component inside the div.

3. Export Statement

The final line exports the App component so it can be used in other parts of the application.

export default App;
  • export default App;: This line exports the App function as the default export of this module. This allows other files to import App and use it.


  1. Import Statements: Import React library, Dashboard component, and a CSS file.
  2. App Component Definition: Create a functional component using JSX which renders a div containing the Dashboard component.
  3. Export Statement: Export the App component for use in other parts of the application.

This code creates a basic structure for a React application where the App component acts as a wrapper that includes and displays the Dashboard component. The CSS file App.css will be used to style this component.

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Detailed explanation of initializing a React application with an App component wrapping a Dashboard component, along with necessary imports and exports.