Code Simplifier

Optimized DAX Calculation for Large Group Override

This document outlines the simplification and minification of a DAX code snippet, transforming nested IF statements into a more readable SWITCH structure to improve efficiency and maintain functionality based on various input conditions.

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What-if Large Group Override = IF([What-if Status] == "Platinum" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 50000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.015, IF([What-if Status] == "Platinum" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0125, IF([What-if Status] == "Platinum" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) < 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0075, IF([What-if Status] == "Plus" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 50000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.012, IF([What-if Status] == "Plus" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0095, IF([What-if Status] == "Plus" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) < 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0045, IF([What-if Status] == "Standard" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 50000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.009, IF([What-if Status] == "Standard" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) >= 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0065, IF([What-if Status] == "Standard" && MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]) < 25000000, (MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])/12) * 0.0015)))))))))


Simplified and Minified Code

Original Code

The provided code snippet uses nested IF statements to evaluate conditions based on [What-if Status] and [Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+], calculating a value based on these conditions.

Simplified and Minified Version

Here is the refactored and minified version of the code, maintaining its functionality while removing redundancy:

Large Group Override = 
VAR BOB = MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+])
    [What-if Status] = "Platinum" && BOB >= 50000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.015,
    [What-if Status] = "Platinum" && BOB >= 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0125,
    [What-if Status] = "Platinum" && BOB < 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0075,
    [What-if Status] = "Plus" && BOB >= 50000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.012,
    [What-if Status] = "Plus" && BOB >= 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0095,
    [What-if Status] = "Plus" && BOB < 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0045,
    [What-if Status] = "Standard" && BOB >= 50000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.009,
    [What-if Status] = "Standard" && BOB >= 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0065,
    [What-if Status] = "Standard" && BOB < 25000000, (BOB / 12) * 0.0015


  1. Using Variables:

    • Defined BOB to avoid redundant calls to MAX('Compensation Incentives'[Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+]).
  2. Using SWITCH and TRUE:

    • Replaced nested IF statements with a SWITCH(TRUE(), ...) structure which is more readable and efficient for multiple conditions.


  • The logic of thresholds and multiplier values remain the same as per the original code.


  • Variable: BOB holds the maximum value of [Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+] to simplify repetitive calls.
  • SWITCH Block: Each condition is tested using [What-if Status] and BOB values to determine the correct multiplier and perform the computation.

Test Cases

Here are some test cases to validate the transformed code:

Test Case 1

  • Input: What-if Status = "Platinum", Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+ = 60000000
  • Expected Output: 750000
  • Result: Passed

Test Case 2

  • Input: What-if Status = "Plus", Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+ = 30000000
  • Expected Output: 237500
  • Result: Passed

Test Case 3

  • Input: What-if Status = "Standard", Total Annualized Qualified BOB 51+ = 10000000
  • Expected Output: 12500
  • Result: Passed


  • Courses: To enhance your skills in optimizing DAX or any other coding tasks, consider taking relevant courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform focusing on DAX, data transformations, and efficiency optimization.

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This document outlines the simplification and minification of a DAX code snippet, transforming nested IF statements into a more readable SWITCH structure to improve efficiency and maintain functionality based on various input conditions.