Code Visualizer | C/C++

Bubble Sort Algorithm in C

This code diagram illustrates a C program that implements a bubble sort algorithm. It covers array declaration, user input for size and elements, sorting the array, and printing both the original and sorted arrays.

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int main()
    int arr[10],n,i,j,temp;
    printf("enter array size");
    printf("enter the array elements");
    return 0;


digraph G {
    node[shape=rectangle, fontname="Arial"];
    main[label="int main()"];
    declare_vars[label="int arr[10], n, i, j, temp"];
    print_ask_size[label="printf(\"enter array size\")"];
    scan_size[label="scanf(\"%d\", &n)"];
    print_ask_elements[label="printf(\"enter the array elements\")"];
    scan_elements[label="for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nscanf(\"%d\", &arr[i]);\n}" shape=box];
    print_elements[label="for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nprintf(\"%d\n\", arr[i]);\n}" shape=box];
    bubble_sort[label="for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nfor(j=1;j<=n-i;j++)\n{\nif(arr[j]>arr[j+1])\n{\ntemp=arr[j];\narr[j]=arr[j+1];\narr[j+1]=temp;\n}\n}\n}" shape=box];
    print_sorted[label="for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nprintf(\"%d\", arr[i]);\n}" shape=box];
    return_stmt[label="return 0"];
    main -> declare_vars;
    main -> print_ask_size;
    main -> scan_size;
    main -> print_ask_elements;
    main -> scan_elements;
    main -> print_elements;
    main -> bubble_sort;
    main -> print_sorted;
    main -> return_stmt;

Code Structure Overview

  1. Main Function:

    • int main()
      • Entry point of the program.
  2. Variable Declarations:

    • int arr[10], n, i, j, temp
      • Declares an array of integers and several other integer variables used throughout the code.
  3. User Input and Output:

    • printf("enter array size")
      • Prompts user to enter the size of the array.
    • scanf("%d", &n)
      • Reads the input size from the user.
    • printf("enter the array elements")
      • Prompts user to enter the elements of the array.
    • for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nscanf("%d", &arr[i]);\n}
      • Reads each element into the array.
    • for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nprintf(\"%d\n\", arr[i]);\n}
      • Prints each element of the array.
  4. Bubble Sort Algorithm:

    • for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nfor(j=1;j<=n-i;j++)\n{\nif(arr[j]>arr[j+1])\n{\ntemp=arr[j];\narr[j]=arr[j+1];\narr[j+1]=temp;\n}\n}\n}
      • Performs the bubble sort to sort the array in ascending order.
  5. Output Sorted Array:

    • for(i=1;i<=n;i++)\n{\nprintf(\"%d\", arr[i]);\n}
      • Prints each sorted element of the array.
  6. Return Statement:

    • return 0
      • Signals successful termination of the program.

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This code diagram illustrates a C program that implements a bubble sort algorithm. It covers array declaration, user input for size and elements, sorting the array, and printing both the original and sorted arrays.