Logic Visualizer | C/C++

Code Analysis Logic Visualization

Detailed examination of a C program converting number strings to floats, summing, and finding average. Visual and pseudocode representations included for clear understanding.

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int main(void){
    char str[50] = {0};
    scanf("%s", &str);
    char *ptr_start = strchr(str, ' ');
    char *ptr_end = strchr(str, '\0');
    double sum = 0.0;
    int amount = 0;
    for(ptr_start; ptr_start <= ptr_end;){
      sum += atof(ptr_start);
      amount ++;
      ptr_start += 3;
    sum = sum / amount;
    printf("%.3f", sum);
    return 0;


Code Logic Visualization

Text Explanation Analysis

The given code is a simple C program that processes a string of numbers separated by spaces, converts them to floating-point values, computes their sum, and then calculates the average. The average is printed with three decimal precision.

Key Components

  1. Libraries: stdio.h, string.h, stdlib.h
  2. Variables: str, ptr_start, ptr_end, sum, amount
  3. Functions: main, scanf, strchr, atof, printf

Main Logic Flow

  1. Initialize a character array str.
  2. Scan input into str.
  3. Define pointers to locate spaces and the end of str.
  4. Iterate through the string to process each number.
  5. Convert each number from a substring to double and add to sum.
  6. Increment the count of numbers processed.
  7. Calculate the average by dividing the total sum by the count of numbers.
  8. Print the average to three decimal places.

Visual Representation


Below is a flowchart describing the logic and flow of the provided C code:

|         Start                  |
| Initialize `str` with 50    |
| characters set to 0         |
| Scan input into `str`       |
| Find first space in `str`   |
| using `strchr` (ptr_start)  |
| Find end of `str` using     |
| `strchr` (ptr_end)          |
| Initialize `sum` to 0.0     |
| Initialize `amount` to 0    |
| For ptr_start <= ptr_end    |
|     - Convert to double     |
|       using `atof`          |
|     - Add value to `sum`    |
|     - Increment `amount`    |
|     - Move ptr_start by 3   |
| Calculate average:          |
| sum = sum / amount          |
| Print `sum` to 3 decimals   |
| Return 0 (End)              |

Detailed Pseudocode

Here is the detailed pseudocode representation of the C code:

    char str[50] = {0}
    char *ptr_start
    char *ptr_end
    double sum = 0.0
    int amount = 0

    // Read input into str
    scanf("%s", &str)
    // Find first space character
    ptr_start = strchr(str, ' ')
    // Find end of string
    ptr_end = strchr(str, '\0')

    // Loop through string and process each number
    while ptr_start <= ptr_end:
        // Convert current segment to float and add to sum
        sum += atof(ptr_start)
        // Increment count of numbers processed
        amount += 1
        // Move ptr_start 3 positions ahead
        ptr_start += 3
    // Calculate average
    sum = sum / amount
    // Print the result with 3 decimal places
    printf("%.3f", sum)
    // End of program
    return 0


This document has transformed the provided C code into both a flowchart and detailed pseudocode. The goal is to present the logic and structure clearly, making it accessible to individuals with varied levels of technical expertise. The flowchart and pseudocode highlight the critical components and flow of the program, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the code's operations.

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Detailed examination of a C program converting number strings to floats, summing, and finding average. Visual and pseudocode representations included for clear understanding.