Code Visualizer | C/C++

Code Structure of String Class

This is a visual representation of the structure of a String class in C++, including private members (char* value, int len), constructors, and their relationships.

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class String {
 char* value;
 int len;
 String(): value (new char[1]{}), len (0) {} //конструктор по
 String(const String& s): len(s.len){ //конструктор
 value = new char [len + 1];
 for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
 value[i] = s.value[i];


digraph CodeStructure {
    node [shape=rectangle];
    Class [label="class String"];
    Private [label="private:"];
    Value [label="char* value"];
    Len [label="int len"];
    Public [label="public:"];
    Constructor1 [label="String()"];
    Constructor2 [label="String(const String& s)"];
    Class -> Private;
    Class -> Public;
    Private -> Value;
    Private -> Len;
    Public -> Constructor1;
    Public -> Constructor2;
    Constructor1 -> Value;
    Constructor1 -> Len;
    Constructor1 -> Constructor2 [style=dashed];
    Constructor2 -> Value;
    Constructor2 -> Len;
    Constructor2 -> Value [label="new char[len + 1]"];
    Constructor2 -> Constructor2 [label="for loop: i = 0 to len"];

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This is a visual representation of the structure of a String class in C++, including private members (char* value, int len), constructors, and their relationships.