Code Visualizer | Power BI

Code Structure Visualization

Visualizing code structure using DOT notation

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Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[Amount])


Code Structure Visualization

The provided code 'Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[Amount])' can be visualized using the DOT notation as follows:

digraph code_structure {
    "Total Sales" -> "SUM" -> "'Sales'" -> "'Amount'"

This visualization represents the relationships between the different components of the code.


  • The code begins with the calculation of "Total Sales".
  • The "Total Sales" calculation is achieved by using the sum function.
  • The 'SUM' function takes a column reference as an argument, in this case, the 'Sales' table.
  • Finally, the 'Sales' table reference is further specified to the 'Amount' column.


The DOT notation visualizes the code structure, showing the relations between the different components of the code. This representation helps in understanding how the code is structured and how the different parts are interconnected.

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This input presents a code snippet and demonstrates how it can be visualized using DOT notation. The provided code calculates the total sales by summing the 'Amount' column from the 'Sales' table. The DOT notation representation visually represents the relationships between the different components of the code, showcasing the flow of information and dependencies. This visual representation helps in understanding the code structure and how the different parts are interconnected.