Code Visualizer | Power BI

Code Structure Visualization

Visual representation of code snippet using DOT notation

Empty image or helper icon


Visualize Code Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[Amount])


Code Structure Visualization

Here is a visual representation of the given code snippet using the DOT notation:

digraph code {
    node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="lightblue"]
    edge [color="gray"]

    "Total Sales" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor="lightgreen"]
    "Total Sales" -> 'Sales'[Amount] [label="SUM"]

The code is structured as follows:


  • "Total Sales": This is the main node representing the total sales.
  • 'Sales'[Amount]: This is a child node representing the amount column in the sales table.


  • ->: Represents the relation between the main node and the child node.
  • "SUM": Represents the aggregation function used on the 'Sales'[Amount] column.


  • The main node "Total Sales" is connected to the child node 'Sales'[Amount] using an arrow.
  • The label on the arrow indicates that the "SUM" function is applied to the 'Sales'[Amount] column.

The visualization provides a quick overview of the code structure and the relations involved in calculating the total sales.

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Here is a visual representation of the given code snippet using the DOT notation:

```dot digraph code { node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor="lightblue"] edge [color="gray"] "Total Sales" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor="lightgreen"] "Total Sales" -> 'Sales'[Amount] [label="SUM"] } ```

The code is structured as follows:

## Nodes:

  • "Total Sales": This is the main node representing the total sales.
  • 'Sales'[Amount]: This is a child node representing the amount column in the sales table.

## Edges:

  • ->: Represents the relation between the main node and the child node.
  • "SUM": Represents the aggregation function used on the 'Sales'[Amount] column.

## Visualization:

  • The main node "Total Sales" is connected to the child node 'Sales'[Amount] using an arrow.
  • The label on the arrow indicates that the "SUM" function is applied to the 'Sales'[Amount] column.

The visualization provides a quick overview of the code structure and the relations involved in calculating the total sales.