Code Visualizer | Python

Code Structure Visualization

This graph represents the relationships between the functions `print`, `type`, and `len`. The `print` function calls `type`, which in turn evaluates the type of its argument `len`, illustrating a hierarchical function structure with

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digraph code_structure {
    node [shape=rectangle, style=filled, color=lightblue];

    subgraph cluster_code {
        label="Code Structure";
        print [label="print" style=filled color=lightyellow];
        type [label="type" shape=ellipse];
        len [label="len" shape=ellipse];

        print -> type;
        type -> len;


  1. Nodes:

    • The print, type, and len are visualized as nodes.
    • print is the main function that outputs the result.
    • type is a function that determines the type of the argument passed to it.
    • len is a built-in function whose type is being evaluated.
  2. Edges:

    • There is a directed edge from print to type indicating that type is passed as an argument to print.
    • There is another edge from type to len signifying that len is the argument for type.
  3. Node Styles:

    • Different shapes and colors are used to indicate the type of elements (e.g., function, method).

Visual Overview:

  • print function calls type.
  • type function takes len as an argument.
  • The types and relations are indicated using appropriate node shapes and colors.

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This graph represents the relationships between the functions print, type, and len. The print function calls type, which in turn evaluates the type of its argument len, illustrating a hierarchical function structure with color-coded nodes.