Code Visualizer | Excel

Code Structure Visualization using DOT Notation

Visualizes code relationships between xlwings and re libraries, workbook manipulation, data extraction, pattern matching, and result writing in Excel using DOT notation.

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import xlwings as xw
import re
wb = xw.Book('099.xlsx')
sheet = wb.sheets['099'] 

result = []
data =  sheet.range(f'A2').expand('down').value
for item in data:
    ket_qua = re.findall(r'\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+', item)
    result.append(", ".join(ket_qua))
sheet.range('E2').options(transpose = True).value = result


Code Structure Visualization using DOT Notation

digraph Code_Structure {
    node [shape="rectangle"];

    "import xlwings as xw" -> "import re";
    "import xlwings as xw" -> "wb = xw.Book('099.xlsx')";
    "import xlwings as xw" -> "sheet = wb.sheets['099']";
    "sheet = wb.sheets['099']" -> "result = []";
    "sheet = wb.sheets['099']" -> "data =  sheet.range(f'A2').expand('down').value";
    "for item in data:" -> "ket_qua = re.findall(r'\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+', item)";
    "for item in data:" -> "result.append(", ".join(ket_qua))";
    "result" -> "sheet.range('E2').options(transpose = True).value = result";

Key Relations Overview

  • The code starts with importing the necessary libraries xlwings and re.
  • A workbook (wb) is opened using xlwings library to work with a specific Excel file.
  • A specific worksheet (sheet) within the workbook is selected for further operations.
  • Data is extracted from the Excel sheet starting from cell 'A2' and expanding downwards.
  • Each item in the data is processed using regular expression to find a specific pattern.
  • The results of the pattern matching are stored in a list called result.
  • The final results in result are then written back to the Excel sheet starting from cell 'E2' transposed.


This visualization provides a clear overview of the code structure and the flow of operations, showcasing the relationships between different code segments.

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Visualizes code relationships between xlwings and re libraries, workbook manipulation, data extraction, pattern matching, and result writing in Excel using DOT notation.