Code Visualizer | Python

Code Structure Visualization with DOT Notation

Illustrates the flow within nested_sum() function in Python code using DOT notation, showcasing recursive calls for handling nested lists and variable relationships.

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def nested_sum(lst):
    total = 0
    for num in lst:
        if isinstance(num, list):
            total += nested_sum(num)
            total += num
    return total

lst = [1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]
result = nested_sum(lst)


Code Structure Visualization using DOT notation

digraph code_structure {

    subgraph cluster_0 {
        label="nested_sum() function";
        start -> for_loop;
        for_loop -> check_instance;
        check_instance -> add_to_total_true;
        check_instance -> add_to_total_false;
        add_to_total_true -> nested_sum;
        add_to_total_false -> add_to_total_true;
        add_to_total_false -> add_to_total_false;
        nested_sum -> total;
        nested_sum -> return_total;
    lst -> nested_sum;
    result -> nested_sum;
    result -> print;

Key Points:

  • The DOT notation illustrates the structure of the provided Python code.
  • The visualization shows the flow within the nested_sum() function, including the recursive call to handle nested lists.
  • The isinstance() check determines whether the element in the list is itself a list, triggering recursion.
  • The graph captures the relationships between the variables and function calls in the code snippet.
  • The final result calculated by the nested_sum() function is printed to the console.

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Illustrates the flow within nested_sum() function in Python code using DOT notation, showcasing recursive calls for handling nested lists and variable relationships.