Code Explainer

Conditional Check for OUnit Code and LD Financing

This code evaluates if the OUnit Code matches specific values and checks if LD Financing is null, returning "Non LB" or null based on the results. It's commonly used in SQL or DAX for data manipulation and reporting.

Empty image or helper icon


if [OUnit Code] = "0020" or [OUnit Code]= "0021" or [OUnit Code] ="0022" and [LD Financing] = null then "Non LB" else null


Code Analysis

Given Condition

The code snippet appears to be a conditional statement that checks the value of [OUnit Code] and [LD Financing]. If certain conditions are met, it returns a specific value.

Languages and Context

While the exact programming language or environment is not explicitly mentioned, this resembles an SQL or a DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) conditional statement usually found in data manipulation or reporting environments.

Code Breakdown

Below is the breakdown of the components in the conditional statement:

  1. Check OUnit Code Values:

    • The code checks if [OUnit Code] is one of the three specific values: "0020", "0021", or "0022".
  2. Check for Null LD Financing:

    • Simultaneously, the code checks if [LD Financing] is null (which means it has no value).
  3. Conditional Return:

    • If both conditions are met, the statement returns "Non LB".
    • If either of the conditions is not met, it returns null.

Simplified Explanation

The conditional statement can be explained step-by-step as follows:

  1. Condition 1:

    • [OUnit Code] = "0020" checks if OUnit Code is "0020".
    • [OUnit Code] = "0021" checks if OUnit Code is "0021".
    • [OUnit Code] = "0022" checks if OUnit Code is "0022".
  2. Logical OR:

    • These conditions are connected by OR (|| or OR depending on the syntax).
    • This means if any one of the conditions is true, the combined condition is true.
  3. Condition 2:

    • [LD Financing] = null checks if LD Financing is null.
  4. Logical AND:

    • Both the combined first condition (OUnit Code checks) and the second condition (LD Financing check) are connected by AND (&& or AND depending on the syntax).
    • This means both conditions must be true for the combined condition to be true.
  5. Return Values:

    • If both conditions are true, return "Non LB".
    • Otherwise, return null.

Illustrative Example

Assuming this is an SQL or DAX context, the code can be illustrated as follows:

-- This is a SQL-like pseudo-code for better understanding
        WHEN ([OUnit Code] = '0020' OR [OUnit Code] = '0021' OR [OUnit Code] = '0022') AND [LD Financing] IS NULL
        THEN 'Non LB'
        ELSE NULL
    END AS Result
FROM YourTable;

Additional Example

Here is an equivalent example in DAX for a better understanding:

-- This is a DAX-like pseudo-code for better understanding
Result = 
IF (
        [OUnit Code] = "0020" || 
        [OUnit Code] = "0021" || 
        [OUnit Code] = "0022"
    ) &&
    ISBLANK([LD Financing]),
    "Non LB",

Key Concepts

  1. Conditional Logic:

    • The use of AND and OR to combine multiple conditions.
  2. Null Checks:

    • Understanding how to check for null values (IS NULL in SQL, ISBLANK in DAX).


The code evaluates if [OUnit Code] is one of three specific values and if [LD Financing] is null, and accordingly returns "Non LB" or null. This operation is frequently used in data transformation and reporting to categorize or filter data based on specific criteria.

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This code evaluates if the OUnit Code matches specific values and checks if LD Financing is null, returning "Non LB" or null based on the results. It's commonly used in SQL or DAX for data manipulation and reporting.