Code Explainer

Conditional Project Classification

This code snippet classifies projects based on their codes and financing status using conditional statements. It checks if specified project codes are present and if financing is null, returning "Non Landbank" or "LB" accordingly.

Empty image or helper icon


if[OU11 Project] = "0020" or "0021" or "0022" and [LD Financing] = null then "Non Landbank" else "LB"


Code Explanation

Language and Context

The code snippet provided appears to be written in a pseudo-code or a specific formula language used in some data platforms (e.g., Power Query M, DAX for Power BI, or a custom formula language in a business analytics tool).

Breakdown of Code Components

  1. Conditional Check:

    if [OU11 Project] = "0020" or "0021" or "0022" and [LD Financing] = null

    This part of the code checks two conditions:

    • Whether the value of [OU11 Project] is one of "0020", "0021", or "0022".
    • Whether the value of [LD Financing] is null (i.e., it has no value).
  2. Result If Condition Is True:

    then "Non Landbank"

    This part specifies that if the above conditions are met, the resulting value should be "Non Landbank".

  3. Result If Condition Is False:

    else "LB"

    This part specifies that if the above conditions are not met, the resulting value should be "LB".

Detailed Explanation

The given code is used to determine a categorical value based on specific criteria. Here's a deconstructed explanation:

  1. Example Context:

    if [OU11 Project] = "0020" or "0021" or "0022" and [LD Financing] = null then "Non Landbank" else "LB"

    This could be part of a data transformation or calculation process where you want to classify records based on their project code and financing status.

  2. Condition Logic:

    • [OU11 Project] must be either "0020", "0021", or "0022".
    • [LD Financing] must be null (no financing information).
    • If both conditions are satisfied, the result is "Non Landbank".
    • Otherwise, the result is "LB".

Common Mistake

The logic written in the original form might not work perfectly in many scenarios, such as programming languages or certain formula languages. A proper logical conjunction needs to correctly group and check each condition distinctly.

Corrected Pseudo-Code:

if ([OU11 Project] = "0020" or [OU11 Project] = "0021" or [OU11 Project] = "0022") and [LD Financing] = null then "Non Landbank" else "LB"

Equivalent Code in Different Languages:

  1. Python Example:

    # Assuming data is stored in a dictionary
    data = {'OU11 Project': '0020', 'LD Financing': None}
    if data['OU11 Project'] in ["0020", "0021", "0022"] and data['LD Financing'] is None:
        result = "Non Landbank"
        result = "LB"
  2. DAX Example (used in Power BI):

    Result = 
            [OU11 Project] = "0020" || [OU11 Project] = "0021" || [OU11 Project] = "0022" 
        ) && 
        ISBLANK([LD Financing]),
        "Non Landbank",
  3. Power Query M Example:

    Result = if ([OU11 Project] = "0020" or [OU11 Project] = "0021" or [OU11 Project] = "0022") and ([LD Financing] = null) then "Non Landbank" else "LB"

Key Concepts:

  • Conditional Statements: Used to execute different branches of code (or assign different values) based on specified conditions.
  • Logical Operators:
    • and: Ensures all conditions must be true.
    • or: Ensures at least one of the conditions must be true.
  • Null Checking: Essential for ensuring that the LD Financing field is empty.

This explanation provides an in-depth look at the functionality and structure of the provided code snippet. For further learning, the Enterprise DNA Platform offers comprehensive courses and resources on data transformation and analysis, which might be highly beneficial.

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This code snippet classifies projects based on their codes and financing status using conditional statements. It checks if specified project codes are present and if financing is null, returning "Non Landbank" or "LB" accordingly.