Logic Visualizer

Data Agent Revenue Analysis Flowchart

This detailed flowchart outlines the process of preparing, analyzing, and selecting sales data for 2021 and 2023 to determine revenue changes and growth percentages for various locations, focusing on the top 4 locations with the highest

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Data Agent

WITH revenue_2021 AS
  (SELECT location,
          SUM(CAST(price AS NUMERIC) * CAST(quantitysold AS NUMERIC)) AS total_sales_revenue_2021
   FROM patterns.car_sales_data
   WHERE DATE_PART('year', TO_DATE(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')) = 2021
   GROUP BY location),
     revenue_2023 AS
  (SELECT location,
          SUM(CAST(price AS NUMERIC) * CAST(quantitysold AS NUMERIC)) AS total_sales_revenue_2023
   FROM patterns.car_sales_data
   WHERE DATE_PART('year', TO_DATE(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')) = 2023
   GROUP BY location),
     revenue_change AS
  (SELECT r2021.location,
          (r2023.total_sales_revenue_2023 - r2021.total_sales_revenue_2021) AS revenue_change,
          ((r2023.total_sales_revenue_2023 - r2021.total_sales_revenue_2021) / r2021.total_sales_revenue_2021) * 100 AS percentage_growth
   FROM revenue_2021 r2021
   JOIN revenue_2023 r2023 ON r2021.location = r2023.location)
SELECT location,
FROM revenue_change
ORDER BY revenue_change DESC


Visual Representation of Data Agent Logic

Flowchart Overview:

  1. Data Preparation:

    • Retrieve sales data for 2021 and 2023, group by location, and calculate total sales revenue.
  2. Calculate Revenue Change:

    • Compute the revenue change and percentage growth between 2021 and 2023 for each location.
  3. Output Selection:

    • Select location, sales revenue for 2021 and 2023, revenue change, and growth percentage.
  4. Final Output:

    • Display the top 4 locations with the highest revenue change.

Pseudocode Representation:

1. Create revenue_2021 table:
   - Select location, calculate total sales revenue for 2021.

2. Create revenue_2023 table:
   - Select location, calculate total sales revenue for 2023.

3. Create revenue_change table:
   - Join revenue_2021 and revenue_2023 on location.
   - Calculate revenue change and growth percentage.

4. Select top 4 locations:
   - Display location, sales revenue for 2021 and 2023, revenue change, and growth percentage.
   - Order by revenue change in descending order.


  • Data Retrieval:

    • Sales data for 2021 and 2023 is obtained from the 'car_sales_data' table.
  • Calculations:

    • Total sales revenue is computed by multiplying price and quantity sold.
    • Revenue change and growth percentage are calculated based on revenue values from 2021 and 2023.
  • Output Limitation:

    • The final output is limited to the top 4 locations with the highest revenue change.

This visual representation simplifies the code's logic by illustrating the flow of operations from data preparation to final output selection.

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This detailed flowchart outlines the process of preparing, analyzing, and selecting sales data for 2021 and 2023 to determine revenue changes and growth percentages for various locations, focusing on the top 4 locations with the highest revenue change. The pseudocode and annotations provide further clarity on data retrieval, calculations, and output limitations.