Language Translator | DAX

DAX Total Sales by Category in 2022

This DAX query uses SUMMARIZECOLUMNS to group sales by product category, summing the amounts for 2022 from the Sales table.

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    "Total Sales", SUM('Sales'[Amount]),
    FILTER(ALL('Calendar'), 'Calendar'[Year] = 2022)


    "Total Sales", SUM('Sales'[Amount]),
    FILTER(ALL('Calendar'), 'Calendar'[Year] = 2022)

The provided code snippet has been successfully translated into DAX. The SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function retains the original structure with 'Product'[Category] as the grouping column, "Total Sales" with the sum of 'Sales'[Amount], and a filter condition to include only the year 2022 from the 'Calendar' table. The translation preserves the logic and behavior of the original code while adhering to DAX best practices.

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This DAX query uses SUMMARIZECOLUMNS to group sales by product category, summing the amounts for 2022 from the Sales table.