Code Explainer | SQL

Explanation of SQL Code for Updating #wip_status_changes

This code snippet provides an explanation of SQL code used to update the values in a table called #wip_status_changes based on specific conditions. It includes examples of the UPDATE and DELETE statements, subqueries, DECLARE statement, and WHILE

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UPDATE WSC SET WSC.to_status = LEFT(WSC.to_status, LEN(WSC.to_status) - 1), WSC.from_status = L.last_status, WSC.from_status_order = L.last_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC
( SELECT WSC2.enc_id, WSC2.change_nbr, LAG(LEFT(WSC2.to_status, LEN(WSC2.to_status) - 1), 1, '') OVER (PARTITION BY WSC2.enc_id ORDER BY WSC2.change_nbr) last_status, LAG(WSC2.to_status_order, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY WSC2.enc_id ORDER BY WSC2.change_nbr) last_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC2 ) L ON L.enc_id = WSC.enc_id AND L.change_nbr = WSC.change_nbr;

UPDATE WSC SET WSC.status_out_of_order = 1 FROM #wip_status_changes WSC WHERE from_status_order > to_status_order;

DECLARE @out_of_order_changes INT;

SELECT @out_of_order_changes = COUNT(*) FROM #wip_status_changes WSC WHERE WSC.status_out_of_order = 1;

WHILE @out_of_order_changes > 0
BEGIN PRINT 'remove out of order status changes';

UPDATE WSCM SET WSC.from_status = A.from_status, WSC.from_status_order = A.from_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC
INNER JOIN ( SELECT WSC.enc_id, WSC.change_nbr, WSC.from_status, WSC.from_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC WHERE WSC.status_out_of_order = 1 AND WSC.to_status_order     = 1 ) A ON A.enc_id = WSC.enc_id AND A.change_nbr + 1 = WSC.change_nbr;

UPDATE WSC SET WSC.to_status = A.to_status, WSC.to_status_order = A.to_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC
INNER JOIN ( SELECT WSC.enc_id, WSC.change_nbr, WSC.to_status, WSC.to_status_order FROM #wip_status_changes WSC WHERE WSC.status_out_of_order = 1 AND WSC.to_status_order <> 1 ) A ON A.enc_id = WSC.enc_id AND A.change_nbr - 1 = WSC.change_nbr;

DELETE FROM #wip_status_changes WHERE status_out_of_order = 1;


The provided code snippet is written in SQL and is used to update the values in a table called #wip_status_changes based on specific conditions.

  1. Code Explanation:
  • The first UPDATE statement is used to modify the to_status, from_status, and from_status_order columns of the #wip_status_changes table.
    • The to_status column is updated by removing the last character using the LEFT() and LEN() functions.
    • The from_status column is updated with the value of the last_status column from a subquery.
    • The from_status_order column is updated with the value of the last_status_order column from a subquery.
    • The subquery is used to calculate the previous status and its order.
  • The second UPDATE statement is used to update the status_out_of_order column of the #wip_status_changes table.
    • Rows where the from_status_order value is greater than the to_status_order value are updated to have a value of 1 in the status_out_of_order column.
  • The DECLARE statement is used to declare a variable named @out_of_order_changes.
  • The SELECT statement is used to assign the count of rows with status_out_of_order = 1 to the @out_of_order_changes variable.
  • A WHILE loop is used to iterate as long as the @out_of_order_changes variable is greater than 0.
    • Inside the loop, the first UPDATE statement is used to update the from_status and from_status_order columns based on specific conditions.
      • The from_status column is updated with the value of the from_status column from a subquery.
      • The from_status_order column is updated with the value of the from_status_order column from a subquery.
    • The second UPDATE statement is used to update the to_status and to_status_order columns based on specific conditions.
      • The to_status column is updated with the value of the to_status column from a subquery.
      • The to_status_order column is updated with the value of the to_status_order column from a subquery.
    • The DELETE statement is used to remove rows from the #wip_status_changes table where status_out_of_order = 1.
  1. Key Concepts:
  • UPDATE statement: Used to modify existing data in a table.
  • SELECT statement: Used to retrieve data from a table or view.
  • Subquery: A query nested within another query. It is used here to calculate the previous status and its order.
  • DECLARE statement: Used to declare variables in SQL.
  • WHILE loop: A loop that repeats a block of code as long as a specific condition is true.
  • DELETE statement: Used to remove rows from a table.
  1. Additional Examples:

Example 1: Simplified version of the first UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1,
    column2 = value2,
    column3 = value3
WHERE condition;

Example 2: Simplified version of the second UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table_name
SET column = value
WHERE condition;

Example 3: Simplified version of the DELETE statement:

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

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This code snippet provides an explanation of SQL code used to update the values in a table called #wip_status_changes based on specific conditions. It includes examples of the UPDATE and DELETE statements, subqueries, DECLARE statement, and WHILE loop.