Code Visualizer

Permutations of a String Using Recursion

This document details a Java method that generates all permutations of a string through recursion, illustrated with DOT notation to visualize the method's structure and flow, enhancing understanding of recursion and algorithmic processes.

Empty image or helper icon


public static void Solution(String str,String ans){
            System.out.print(ans+" ");
        for(int i=0;i


Visual Representation of the Code using DOT Notation


The given Java method Solution generates all permutations of a string str by using a recursive approach. Below is the DOT notation to showcase the relationships between various calls in this method.

DOT Notation

digraph G {
    node [shape=box];

    main_function [label="Solution(str, ans)"];
    if_condition [label="if(str.length() == 0)"];
    print_statement [label='System.out.print(ans + " ")'];
    for_loop [label="for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)"];
    recursive_call [label="Solution(newstr, ans + curr)"];
    char_extraction [label="char curr = str.charAt(i)"];
    substring_creation [label="String newstr = str.substring(0, i) + str.substring(i + 1, str.length())"];

    main_function -> if_condition;
    if_condition -> print_statement [label="True"];
    if_condition -> for_loop [label="False"];
    for_loop -> char_extraction;
    char_extraction -> substring_creation;
    substring_creation -> recursive_call;
    recursive_call -> main_function [label="Recursive Call"];


  • main_function: Represents the entry point of the method, where Solution is invoked.
  • if_condition: Checks if the length of the string str is zero.
    • If true, it executes the print_statement to print the ans.
    • If false, it proceeds to the for_loop.
  • for_loop: Iterates over each character of the string str.
    • Extracts the current character (char_extraction) from str.
    • Creates a new substring newstr excluding the current character (substring_creation).
    • Recursively calls the Solution method with the new substring and the updated answer ans + curr (recursive_call).

Further Learning

For more detailed learning on recursion and algorithmic complexity, consider exploring resources and courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document details a Java method that generates all permutations of a string through recursion, illustrated with DOT notation to visualize the method's structure and flow, enhancing understanding of recursion and algorithmic processes.