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SQL Marketing Metrics Calculation

This SQL snippet calculates Average Purchase Value and Average Purchase Frequency Rate from a 'Sales' table using Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for revenue and unique customers. It highlights the usage of CTEs, COUNT(), SUM(), SELECT

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WITH Revenue AS (
    SELECT SUM(total_amount) AS TotalRevenue, COUNT(order_id) AS TotalPurchases
    FROM sales
UniqueCustomers AS (
    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) AS UniqueCustomers
    FROM sales
    (SELECT TotalRevenue FROM Revenue) / (SELECT TotalPurchases FROM Revenue) AS AveragePurchaseValue,
    (SELECT TotalPurchases FROM Revenue) / (SELECT UniqueCustomers FROM UniqueCustomers) AS AveragePurchaseFrequencyRate


This code snippet is written in SQL, a language typically used to manage and manipulate databases. It calculates two marketing metrics: the Average Purchase Value and the Average Purchase Frequency Rate. These are calculated from a Sales database table and the results are returned in the final SELECT statement.

Code Analysis

  1. Common Table Expressions (CTEs) The code starts with two CTEs (Common Table Expressions), Revenue and UniqueCustomers. CTEs are temporary views created and exist only during the execution of the query. They improve the readability of complex queries.

    • The Revenue CTE calculates the total revenue and the total number of purchases. SUM(total_amount) totals all the purchase amounts to provide revenue and COUNT(order_id) counts all the sale transactions to provide the number of purchases.

    • The UniqueCustomers CTE calculates the number of unique customers by applying the COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) operation. DISTINCT ensures that only unique occurrences of customer_id are counted.

  2. Final SELECT Statement The final SELECT statement calculates and presents the two marketing metrics:

    • AveragePurchaseValue is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of purchases (from the Revenue CTE).

    • AveragePurchaseFrequencyRate is calculated by dividing the total number of purchases by the number of unique customers (One from Revenue CTE and one from UniqueCustomers CTE).

Key Concepts

  • CTE (Common Table Expression): This is a temporary view created at runtime which ceases to exist after execution. They help simplify complex queries.

  • COUNT() and SUM() Functions: COUNT() is a SQL aggregate function for counting the number of rows in a database table while SUM() adds up the numeric values in a set of data.

  • SELECT Statement: This is a SQL command used to select data from a database and present it in a structured way.

  • Distinct Keyword: Distinct is used to remove duplicates from a result set.

For instance, the code can be modified to calculate different metrics such as Average Order Amount and Total Sales Per Customer where Average Order Amount can be calculated by dividing TotalSales by TotalOrders and Total Sales Per Customer by dividing TotalSales by UniqueCustomers.

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This SQL snippet calculates Average Purchase Value and Average Purchase Frequency Rate from a 'Sales' table using Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for revenue and unique customers. It highlights the usage of CTEs, COUNT(), SUM(), SELECT statement, and Distinct keyword for marketing data analysis.