Logic Visualizer | Java

Trigger and Condition Check Logic Visualization

Visual representation of iterating triggers for specified packages, checking trigger satisfaction, testing trigger conditions, and setting statuses for efficient event processing.

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Loop through all triggers defined for the POL1 and POL2 packages relevant to the Trigger Category of the Triggering Event to test if any triggers are satisfied by this Triggering Event

If trigger is satisfied
Set Trigger_Status = ‘SATISFIED’
Test the trigger conditions defined for this trigger for that package type
If all trigger conditions defined for the trigger are satisfied
Set Condition_Status = ‘SATISFIED’Set Package_To_Send = ID of the package for which the trigger and all related trigger conditions have been satisfied
Exit from loop checking triggers and trigger conditions for this Triggering Event
End Loop


Visual Representation of Trigger and Condition Check Logic

Pseudocode Overview

  1. Loop Start: Iterate through all triggers for the specified packages related to the Trigger Category of the Triggering Event.
    • For each trigger:
  2. Check Trigger Satisfaction:
    • If the trigger is satisfied:
      • Set Trigger_Status = 'SATISFIED'
      • Test trigger conditions for the package type.
      • If all trigger conditions are satisfied:
        • Set Condition_Status = 'SATISFIED'
        • Set Package_To_Send = Package ID.
        • Exit the loop.
      • EndIf
    • EndIf
  3. End Loop: Continue looping until all triggers and conditions are checked.

Pseudocode Implementation

Loop through all triggers for POL1 and POL2 packages with Trigger Category of Triggering Event
  If trigger is satisfied
    Set Trigger_Status = 'SATISFIED'
    Test trigger conditions for the package
    If all trigger conditions are satisfied
      Set Condition_Status = 'SATISFIED'
      Set Package_To_Send = ID of the package
      Exit from loop
End Loop


  • Loop Start:
    • Iterates through triggers of the specified packages.
  • Check Trigger Satisfaction:
    • Checks if the trigger is satisfied.
    • Sets Trigger_Status accordingly.
    • Tests trigger conditions and sets Condition_Status if satisfied.
    • Sets Package_To_Send if all conditions are met.
    • Exits loop after all conditions are checked.
  • End Loop:
    • Continues looping until all triggers and conditions are processed.

By visually representing this logic, the flowchart or pseudocode helps understand the sequential steps involved in checking triggers and trigger conditions for a specific event.

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Visual representation of iterating triggers for specified packages, checking trigger satisfaction, testing trigger conditions, and setting statuses for efficient event processing.