Code Explainer | Excel

VBA Nested Loops Overview

This code snippet in VBA demonstrates the concept of nested loops - an outer loop iterating 10 times, each triggering an inner loop to run 10 iterations, totaling to 100 executions.

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'Defining variables
Dim i As Long, j As Long

'Outer Loop
For i = 1 To 10
    'Inner Loop
    Do Until j > 10
        j = j + 1
    j = 1
Next i


The provided code snippet is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), a programming language commonly used with Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel, to automate tasks.

Section 1: Defining Variables

Dim i As Long, j As Long

This line declares two variables, i and j, as Long data types, which hold whole numbers (integers). Dim is a statement used in VBA to declare a variable.

Section 2: Outer Loop

For i = 1 To 10
Next i

This For...Next loop structure is used to repeat a block of code a specific number of times. In this case, from 1 to 10. i is the loop counter which starts at 1 and increases by 1 with each iteration until it reaches 10.

Section 3: Inner Loop

Do Until j > 10
    j = j + 1
j = 1

Inside the outer loop, there's an inner loop which is a Do Until...Loop structure. This loop repeats until the condition specified (j > 10) is true. The line j = j + 1 increments the variable j by 1 with each iteration. It's important to note that the variable j is reset to 1 after exiting the inner loop and before the next iteration of the outer loop. This ensures the inner loop executes its block of code 10 times for each outer loop iteration.

So, in a nutshell, this code doesn't perform any specific task but showcases the concept of nested loops. It will iterate 10 times over the outer loop, and for each iteration, it will execute the inner loop 10 times, essentially running the line j = j + 1 a total of 100 times.

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This code snippet in VBA demonstrates the concept of nested loops - an outer loop iterating 10 times, each triggering an inner loop to run 10 iterations, totaling to 100 executions.