Logic Visualizer | Python

Visual Code Logic Analysis

Dissecting pseudocode showing functions for palindrome and anagram checks followed by a flowchart illustrating decision pathways based on these checks.

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def palindrome_check(s):
    return s == s[::-1]

def anagram_check(s, t):
    return sorted(s) == sorted(t)

s = "radar"
t = "rdrar"
is_palindrome = palindrome_check(s)
is_anagram = anagram_check(s, t)

if is_palindrome and is_anagram:
    print("The string is a palindrome and an anagram of another string.")
elif is_palindrome:
    print("The string is a palindrome but not an anagram of another string.")
elif is_anagram:
    print("The string is an anagram of another string but not a palindrome.")
    print("The string is neither a palindrome nor an anagram of another string.")


Visual Representation of Code Logic


function palindrome_check(s)
    return s equals reverse of s

function anagram_check(s, t)
    return sorted s equals sorted t

s = "radar"
t = "rdrar"
is_palindrome = palindrome_check(s)
is_anagram = anagram_check(s, t)

if is_palindrome and is_anagram
    print "The string is a palindrome and an anagram of another string."
elif is_palindrome
    print "The string is a palindrome but not an anagram of another string."
elif is_anagram
    print "The string is an anagram of another string but not a palindrome."
    print "The string is neither a palindrome nor an anagram of another string."


graph TD
    A(Start) --> B{is_palindrome} 
    B -- Yes --> C{is_anagram}
    B -- No --> D{is_anagram}
    C -- Yes --> E[Print "Palindrome and Anagram"]
    C -- No --> F[Print "Palindrome not Anagram"]
    D -- Yes --> G[Print "Anagram not Palindrome"]
    D -- No --> H[Print "Neither Palindrome nor Anagram"]
    E --> I(End)
    F --> I
    G --> I
    H --> I


  • Two main functions: palindrome_check and anagram_check to determine if a string is a palindrome or an anagram, respectively.
  • Palindrome check is done by comparing the string with its reverse.
  • Anagram check is performed by sorting both strings and comparing them.
  • The strings s and t are defined.
  • Checks for palindrome and anagram are stored in is_palindrome and is_anagram.
  • Based on the conditions, appropriate messages are printed.

This visual representation simplifies the code logic by showcasing the flow of decision-making based on palindrome and anagram checks. It clarifies the different outcomes based on the combination of palindrome and anagram results.

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Dissecting pseudocode showing functions for palindrome and anagram checks followed by a flowchart illustrating decision pathways based on these checks.