Logic Visualizer | Python

Visual Representation of Python Code

Detailed visual representation including pseudocode and flowchart of a Python program calculating sum and conditional check.

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def main():
    x = 5
    y = 10
    z = x + y
    if z > 10:
        print("z is greater than 10")
        print("z is not greater than 10")



Visual Representation of the Provided Python Code

Pseudocode Representation:

1. Define the main function:
    1.1. Initialize variable x with a value of 5
    1.2. Initialize variable y with a value of 10
    1.3. Calculate the sum of x and y and store it in variable z
    1.4. Check if z is greater than 10:
        - If true, output "z is greater than 10"
        - If false, output "z is not greater than 10"

2. Call the main function

Flowchart Representation:

graph LR
A[Start] --> B{z > 10?}
B --> |Yes| C[z is greater than 10]
B --> |No| D[z is not greater than 10]
A --> E[main()]
E --> F[x = 5]
E --> G[y = 10]
E --> H[z = x + y]

Explanation and Annotations:

  • The code defines a main function that initializes variables x and y with values 5 and 10 respectively.
  • It calculates the sum of x and y and stores the result in variable z.
  • The code then checks if z is greater than 10.
  • If z is greater than 10, it prints "z is greater than 10"; otherwise, it prints "z is not greater than 10".
  • The main function is called to execute the defined logic.
  • The flowchart visually represents the flow of the program, including variable assignments and the conditional check for z > 10.
  • Annotations in the flowchart clarify each step of the code's execution, making it easier to understand the logic and decision-making process.

This visual representation effectively illustrates the logic and structure of the provided Python code, enhancing clarity and comprehension for individuals at all levels of technical expertise.

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Detailed visual representation including pseudocode and flowchart of a Python program calculating sum and conditional check.