Logic Visualizer | Python

Visualization of Recursive Fibonacci Computation

Visual guide explaining recursive Fibonacci calculation, showcasing function logic, flow, and annotations. Concise breakdown for better understanding.

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def recursive_fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return recursive_fibonacci(n-1) + recursive_fibonacci(n-2)

output = recursive_fibonacci(5)


Visual Representation: Recursive Fibonacci Calculation


function recursive_fibonacci(n)
    if n <= 1
        return n
        return recursive_fibonacci(n-1) + recursive_fibonacci(n-2)

output = recursive_fibonacci(5)


  1. The recursive_fibonacci function calculates the Fibonacci number of a given n:

    • If n is less than or equal to 1, it returns n.
    • Otherwise, it recursively calls itself with n-1 and n-2, summing the results.
  2. The main program calculates the Fibonacci number for n=5 by calling the recursive_fibonacci function with n=5.

Flow of Logic:

  1. Invoke recursive_fibonacci(5) in the main program.
  2. Check if n is less than or equal to 1.
  3. Recur with recursive_fibonacci(4) and recursive_fibonacci(3).
  4. Continuously break down to smaller n values until base cases are reached.
  5. Sum up the results of recursive calls until the final result for n=5.


  • The function keeps subdividing the problem by recursively calling itself with smaller inputs until it reaches base cases (n <= 1).
  • This recursive approach embodies the Fibonacci sequence logic of summing the two preceding numbers.
  • Each function call contributes to the final result by recursively calculating Fibonacci numbers.

This visual aid simplifies the recursive Fibonacci calculation, highlighting the iterative subdivision of the problem and the accumulation of results to compute the Fibonacci number efficiently.

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Visual guide explaining recursive Fibonacci calculation, showcasing function logic, flow, and annotations. Concise breakdown for better understanding.