Code Visualizer

Visualizing Puppeteer Script Flow

This DOT notation diagram illustrates the components and interactions of a Puppeteer script, detailing browser actions, page navigation, authentication steps, error handling, and final browser closure, providing a clear visual

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const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");

(async () => {
  let browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: false,

  try {
    // Открываем первую вкладку и логинимся на первом сайте
    let page1 = await browser.newPage();
    await page1.authenticate({ username: "log1", password: "pass1" });
    await page1.goto(``);

    // Ожидаем загрузки нужного элемента
    await page1.waitForSelector('#content table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(4)');

    // Извлекаем текст элемента, содержащего почту и ссылку
    let textContent = await page1.$eval('#content table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(4)', el => el.innerText);

    // Ищем часть текста, которая начинается с "https"
    let linkMatch = textContent.match(/https:\/\/[^\s]+/);
    if (!linkMatch) {
      throw new Error("Ссылка не найдена");
    let link = linkMatch[0].trim();

    // Открываем вторую вкладку и логинимся на втором сайте
    let page2 = await browser.newPage();
    await page2.authenticate({ username: "log2", password: "pass2" });
    await page2.goto(``);

    // Открываем третью вкладку и переходим по ссылке, полученной с первого сайта
    let page3 = await browser.newPage();
    await page3.goto(link);

  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Произошла ошибка:", error);
  } finally {
    // Если нужно закрыть браузер в конце
    // await browser.close();


digraph PuppeteerScript {
    // Define nodes
    Browser [label="Browser" shape=box];
    Page1 [label="Page 1\n" shape=box];
    Page2 [label="Page 2\n" shape=box];
    Page3 [label="Page 3\nLink from Page 1" shape=box];
    AuthenticatePage1 [label="Authenticate\nlog1:pass1" shape=ellipse];
    AuthenticatePage2 [label="Authenticate\nlog2:pass2" shape=ellipse];
    WaitForSelector1 [label="Wait for Selector\n#content table tbody [...]" shape=ellipse];
    ExtractText1 [label="Extract Text\n#content table tbody [...]" shape=ellipse];
    ErrorHandling [label="Error Handling" shape=ellipse];

    // Define relationships
    Browser -> Page1 [label="newPage()"];
    Browser -> Page2 [label="newPage()"];
    Browser -> Page3 [label="newPage()"];
    Page1 -> AuthenticatePage1 [label="authenticate()"];
    Page1 -> "Wait for Selector" [label="waitForSelector()"];
    Page1 -> "Extract Text" [label="evaluate()"];
    AuthenticatePage1 -> "Wait for Selector";
    "Wait for Selector" -> "Extract Text";
    "Extract Text" -> Page3 [label="goto() with extracted link"];
    Page2 -> AuthenticatePage2 [label="authenticate()"];
    AuthenticatePage2 -> Page2 [label="goto()"];

    // Error handling flow
    subgraph cluster_Error {
        label = "Error Handling";
        Page1 -> ErrorHandling [label="catch(error)"];
        Page2 -> ErrorHandling [label="catch(error)"];
        Page3 -> ErrorHandling [label="catch(error)"];

    // Browser closing
    subgraph cluster_Finally {
        label = "Finally";
        Browser -> ErrorHandling [label="close()"];


  1. Nodes: Each major component and actions, such as Browser, Page 1, Page 2, authentication steps, etc., are represented as nodes.
  2. Edges: The relationships between nodes are represented as directed edges, showcasing the flow of the program.
  3. Error Handling: A subgraph cluster_Error is created to visualize error handling in the script.
  4. Browser Closing: If the browser is intended to close at the end, it is depicted under the Finally cluster.

This DOT notation graph provides a visual representation of the Puppeteer script, showing the flow and relationships of various components and actions in the code.

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This DOT notation diagram illustrates the components and interactions of a Puppeteer script, detailing browser actions, page navigation, authentication steps, error handling, and final browser closure, providing a clear visual representation of the script's flow.