
Power BI Integration with QuickBooks Online

This project aims to bridge QuickBooks Online with Power BI for enhanced financial data analytics and visualization.

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Power BI Integration with QuickBooks Online


The project focuses on pulling data from QuickBooks Online into Power BI using various tools and technologies. It requires leveraging skills in data transformation, app development, and process automation while utilizing languages like DAX. The curriculum is structured to gain a comprehensive understanding of data transformation, API integration, and data visualization in Power BI.

The original prompt:

create a project to determine how to pull data into power bi from quickbooks online.

Introduction to Power BI and QuickBooks Online Integration


This project focuses on integrating QuickBooks Online with Power BI to enhance financial data analytics and visualization. By connecting these two platforms, users can leverage the powerful visualization and analytical capabilities of Power BI to gain insights from their financial data stored in QuickBooks Online.


  1. Extract Financial Data: Seamlessly extract financial data from QuickBooks Online.
  2. Data Transformation: Transform the extracted data to be suitable for analysis.
  3. Data Visualization: Create compelling visualizations using Power BI.


  1. QuickBooks Online Account: Ensure you have access to QuickBooks Online with necessary data.
  2. Power BI Desktop: Download and install Power BI Desktop.
  3. QuickBooks Online API Access: Setup OAuth tokens for QuickBooks Online API access.
  4. Power Query: Familiarity with Power BI's data transformation tool, Power Query.

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Connect Power BI to QuickBooks Online

  1. Open Power BI Desktop: Launch Power BI Desktop on your computer.
  2. Get Data:
    • Click on Home ā†’ Get Data ā†’ More.
    • Select Online Services ā†’ QuickBooks Online ā†’ Connect.

Step 2: Authenticate with QuickBooks Online

  1. Sign In:
    • A new window will prompt you to sign in with your QuickBooks Online credentials.
    • Grant Power BI the necessary permissions to access your QuickBooks Online data.

Step 3: Select Data Entities

  1. Navigator Window:
    • After signing in, the Navigator window will display available QuickBooks entities like Accounts, Customers, Invoices, etc.
    • Check the entities you want to include, such as Invoices and Expenses.

Step 4: Load Data

  1. Load to Power Query:
    • Click on Transform Data to load the selected entities into Power Query for transformation.
    • Alternatively, click Load to load the entities directly into Power BI.

Step 5: Data Transformation

  1. Clean and Transform Data:
    • Use Power Query to clean and modify the data for analysis.
    • Rename columns, change data types, and filter rows as necessary.

Step 6: Create Relationships

  1. Modeling Tab:
    • Go to the Modeling tab to create relationships between different data entities.
    • For example, link Invoices to Customers via the CustomerID column for comprehensive analysis.

Step 7: Build Visualizations

  1. Add Visuals:

    • In the Report view, add various visualizations such as bar charts, pie charts, and tables to represent your financial data.
    • Use DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to create custom calculations and measures for advanced analytics.
  2. Sample DAX Formula:

    • For example, to calculate total revenue:
    Total Revenue = SUM(Invoices[Amount])

Step 8: Publish and Share

  1. Publish Report:
    • Click on Home ā†’ Publish to upload your report to Power BI Service.
    • Share the report with colleagues or stakeholders via Power BI Service.


By following these steps, you can integrate QuickBooks Online with Power BI, enabling robust data transformation and visualization capabilities. This setup helps in making informed financial decisions based on real-time data insights.

This integration will enhance your ability to analyze financial data and create dynamic reports that can be shared across your organization.

Understanding APIs and Authentication Mechanisms

Introduction to APIs

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows different software systems to communicate with each other. In the context of connecting QuickBooks Online with Power BI, the API facilitates the exchange of data between QuickBooks and Power BI.

Authentication Mechanisms

Authentication is crucial for accessing QuickBooks Online APIs securely. OAuth 2.0 is the commonly used authentication method for QuickBooks Online. Hereā€™s how you can authenticate and retrieve the financial data using OAuth 2.0:

Step-by-Step Implementation

Step 1: Register Your App

  1. Go to QuickBooks Developer and create an account.
  2. Register a new application to get client credentials (client ID and client secret).
  3. Set the Redirect URI which Power BI will use to redirect the user after they grant permissions.

Step 2: Implement OAuth 2.0 Flow

You will need to implement the OAuth 2.0 flow to get the access token needed to call the QuickBooks Online API. Here is a simplified workflow:

  1. Generate Authorization URL:

    authorization_url = "" +
                        "client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&" +
                        "response_type=code&" +
                        "" +

    Direct the user to this URL to get their authorization code.

  2. Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token:

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    The response will include an access token and a refresh token.

  3. Make API Request:

    Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

Step 3: Fetch Data from QuickBooks

Once authenticated, you can query QuickBooks Online for necessary data:

query = "SELECT * FROM Account"
api_url = "" + encodeURIComponent(query)

Step 4: Transform and Load Data into Power BI

You can create a custom connector or use Power Query to fetch the data and perform necessary transformations. Here is an example using Power Query M language:

    Source = Web.Contents("", 
                         [Headers=[Authorization="Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"]]),
    JsonResponse = Json.Document(Source),
    Data = JsonResponse[QueryResponse][Account]

Step 5: Refresh Token Periodically

Tokens usually expire, so you will need to refresh them. The refresh token can be exchanged for a new access token:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


By utilizing APIs and implementing the OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism, you can securely bridge QuickBooks Online with Power BI, enabling enhanced data analytics and visualization. This procedure involves registering your app, implementing OAuth 2.0 flow, querying QuickBooks API, loading data into Power BI, and managing token refresh.

Data Extraction Techniques from QuickBooks Online

API Endpoint Navigation and Data Extraction

To establish a seamless integration between QuickBooks Online (QBO) and Power BI, we will leverage QBO's API to extract necessary financial data. Below is a step-by-step guide to accomplish this:

Step 1: Set Up an OAuth Authentication

Ensure you have authenticated and obtained the OAuth tokens, which are crucial for making authorized API requests to QuickBooks Online. You should have access to access_token and realm_id.

Step 2: API Request to Extract Data

For this example, we will extract invoice data from QuickBooks Online using a GET request.

Example Endpoint: Fetching Invoices

API Request:

GET /v3/company/{realm_id}/query?query=SELECT * FROM Invoice
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
Accept: application/json

Replace {realm_id} with your company's realm ID and <access_token> with your valid token. The query parameter specifies the SQL-like query to fetch all invoices.

API Response:

The response will be in JSON format, resembling the below structure:

  "QueryResponse": {
    "Invoice": [
        "Id": "123",
        "TotalAmt": 150.00,
        // other invoice attributes
      // additional invoice objects
    // Page info
  "time": "2021-11-11T09:00:00.000Z"

Step 3: Data Transformation and Loading into Power BI

Once you receive the JSON response, follow these steps:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.

  2. Navigate to Get Data -> Web.

  3. Enter Query URL: Use a service like Microsoft Flow or Azure API Management to make the call to QuickBooks API and return the data. Enter this service URL if applicable.

  4. Transform Data in Power Query Editor: Power BI will open the Power Query Editor showing the raw JSON data. Perform the following transformations:

    • Use the JSON connector to parse JSON data.
    • Convert JSON objects into tabular format.
    • Expand nested lists and records to unpivot columns as needed.

    Here is a simplified DAX outline:

        Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://<your_service_url>/get_data")),
        Invoices = Source[QueryResponse][Invoice],
        #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Invoices, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
        #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"Id", "TotalAmt", "other_fields"}, {"Id", "TotalAmt", "other_fields"})
        #"Expanded Column1"

Step 4: Create Visualizations in Power BI

After successfully loading and transforming the data:

  • Create new visuals using Power BI's built-in visualization tools.
  • Utilize DAX formulas for custom calculated columns and measures for more intricate analytics.

Example Visual:

Create a basic dashboard with tables or charts, using the TotalAmt from the invoices to track financial performance over time.

By following these steps, you will be able to extract data from QuickBooks Online using its API, transform the raw JSON into a suitable tabular format, and subsequently load it into Power BI for visualization and analysis.

Part 4: Data Transformation and Modeling in Power BI

Loading Data into Power BI

Assuming you have extracted your QuickBooks Online data and have saved it in a CSV or Excel file format, follow these steps to load it into Power BI:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Go to the Home tab, click on Get Data, then select the file type you saved your data as (e.g., Excel, CSV).
  3. Locate and open your file. Power BI will preview the data.
  4. Click Load to import the data into Power BI.

Data Transformation

Removing Unnecessary Columns

  1. Go to Transform Data to open the Power Query Editor.
  2. Select the columns you don't need and click Remove Columns.
# Example steps
1. Select the columns you don't need by clicking on their headers.
2. Right-click and choose `Remove Columns` or press the `Delete` key.

Renaming Columns

  1. Double-click on the column headers to rename them.
# Example steps
1. Double-click on the header of the column you want to rename.
2. Enter the new name and press `Enter`.

Data Type Conversion

  1. Select the column you want to change.
  2. Use the Data Type dropdown in the Transform tab to select the appropriate type (e.g., Text, Date, Number).
# Example steps
1. Select the column whose data type you want to change.
2. Go to the `Transform` tab in the Power Query Editor.
3. Choose the appropriate data type from the Data Type dropdown.

Creating New Columns

You can create custom columns using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions).

# Example: Creating a new column for Profit
Profit = [TotalRevenue] - [TotalExpenses]

Data Modeling


  1. Navigate to the Model tab located on the left sidebar in Power BI Desktop.
  2. Drag and drop fields to create relationships between tables.
# Example steps
1. Go to the `Model` view.
2. Drag the column from one table and drop it on the related column from another table.


Create measures to perform calculations on your data dynamically.

# Example: Calculate Total Sales
TotalSales = SUM('Sales'[Amount])
# Example: Calculate Average Sales per Customer
AvgSalesPerCustomer = AVERAGE('Sales'[Amount])

Applying Changes and Testing

  1. Close the Power Query Editor by clicking Close & Apply.
  2. Validate your data in the Data view.
  3. Build visualizations to confirm that the transformations and models produce the expected results.

By following these detailed steps, you should be able to transform and model your QuickBooks data in Power BI effectively, enabling advanced analytics and visualization.

Creating Interactive Dashboards and Reports


In this section, we'll create interactive dashboards and reports in Power BI using data extracted and transformed from QuickBooks Online. By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to visualize your financial data effectively.

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Importing Data into Power BI

Assume that data extraction and transformation from QuickBooks Online is complete.
Let's import this data into Power BI.

1. Open Power BI Desktop.
2. Click 'Get Data' and choose your transformed data source (e.g., CSV, Excel, or SQL database).
3. Load the data into the Power BI model.

2. Creating Data Relationships

1. Go to the 'Model' view in Power BI.
2. Drag and drop fields to create relationships between data tables.
3. Ensure relationships are correctly established based on keys (e.g., InvoiceID, CustomerID).

3. Building Visualizations

1. Go to the 'Report' view.
2. Use the 'Visualization' pane to add visual elements such as:
    - Bar Charts
    - Line Charts
    - Pie Charts
    - Tables
    - Matrix
    - Card visuals for KPIs
3. Drag relevant fields to axis, values, and legend areas to configure visualizations.

4. Creating DAX Measures

// Example DAX Measures
TotalSales = SUM(Sales[Amount])
AvgMonthlySales = AVERAGEX(SUMMARIZE(Sales, Sales[Month], "MonthlySales", [TotalSales]), [MonthlySales])

// Create measures in Power BI:
1. Go to the 'Modeling' tab.
2. Click 'New Measure'.
3. Enter the DAX expressions as shown above.

5. Adding Interactivity with Slicers and Filters

1. In the 'Visualization' pane, add slicers for fields like:
    - Date
    - Customer
    - Product
    - Region
2. Drag relevant fields to the slicer's 'Field' area.
3. Configure slicersā€™ orientation (horizontal/vertical) and style.
4. Add filters by dragging fields to the 'Filters' pane to enable report-level or visual-level filtering.

6. Configuring Drill-Through and Drill-Down

1. Enable drill-through:
    - Create a detailed page for a data category (e.g., Customer Transaction Details).
    - Add a drill-through filter by dragging a field to the 'Drill-through' pane on the detailed page.
2. Enable drill-down:
    - Create a hierarchy in the data model (e.g., Year > Quarter > Month).
    - Use line or bar charts and configure the hierarchy in the Axis field.
    - Enable drill-down functionality in these charts.

7. Publishing Reports to Power BI Service

1. Save your Power BI Desktop report.
2. Click 'Publish' on the Home tab.
3. Choose your workspace on Power BI Service.
4. Complete the publishing process.

8. Setting Up Dashboards in Power BI Service

1. In Power BI Service, navigate to the workspace where the report was published.
2. Click 'Create' and select 'Dashboard'.
3. Pin visual elements from your report to the dashboard.
4. Arrange and resize tiles as needed to create an interactive dashboard.

9. Automating Data Refresh

1. In Power BI Service, go to the dataset settings.
2. Configure scheduled refresh using your data source credentials.
3. Set the refresh frequency (daily, hourly, etc.).


By following these steps, you have created an interactive dashboard and reports in Power BI using data from QuickBooks Online. This will enable enhanced financial data analytics and visualization for better decision-making.