API Endpoint Generator | Python

API Endpoint Management Guide

Comprehensive guide detailing API endpoint structure, endpoints for getting and updating users, implementation examples in Python, and important notes on handling errors, authentication, input validation, and status codes.

Empty image or helper icon


def get_users():
    return requests.get('https://api.example.com/users').json()

def update_user(user_id, data):
    return requests.put(f'https://api.example.com/users/{user_id}', json=data).json()


API Endpoint Structure


  1. GET Users

    • URL: /users
    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieves all users from the API
    • Response: JSON object containing a list of users
  2. Update User

    • URL: /users/{user_id}
    • Method: PUT
    • Description: Updates the user with the specified user_id
    • Request Body: JSON data with the fields to update
    • Response: JSON object of the updated user

Endpoint Implementation

GET Users

@app.route('/users', methods=['GET'])
def get_users():
    response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/users').json()
    return jsonify(response)

Update User

@app.route('/users/<int:user_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(user_id):
    data = request.get_json()
    response = requests.put(f'https://api.example.com/users/{user_id}', json=data).json()
    return jsonify(response)


  • Ensure to handle errors and exceptions appropriately in the API endpoints
  • Consider adding authentication and authorization mechanisms for secure access
  • Verify and validate inputs to prevent malicious attacks such as SQL injection or script injection
  • Use proper status codes in API responses to indicate the success or failure of requests

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Comprehensive guide detailing API endpoint structure, endpoints for getting and updating users, implementation examples in Python, and important notes on handling errors, authentication, input validation, and status codes.