Code Generator | DAX


Generates dynamic segmentation of customers based on their spending

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Can you demonstrate how to create a dynamic segmentation of customers based on their spending using DAX?


Function Name: CustomerSegmentation

Purpose: This function generates a dynamic segmentation of customers based on their spending.


  • spending_table: A table containing customer spending data, with columns CustomerID and Spending.
  • segment_labels: A list of labels to assign to each segment. The number of labels should be one less than the number of segments.

Return Type: A table containing customer segmentation data, with columns CustomerID, Spending, and Segment.

Exceptions: Throws an exception if the number of segment labels does not match the number of segments.

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This function takes a table spending_table containing customer spending data, with columns CustomerID and Spending, and a list of segment_labels to assign to each segment. It returns a table with columns CustomerID, Spending, and Segment. The number of segment_labels should be one less than the number of segments. If the number of segment labels does not match the number of segments, an exception is thrown.