Code Generator | DAX

DAX calculateMonthlyTotal Function

This DAX function calculates the monthly total amount by summing weekly totals for each month based on a specified table and date column.

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sums the column weekly total amount for each month where the date column is called reporting week


Function: calculateMonthlyTotal
Purpose: Sums the weekly total amount for each month from a given table where the date column is called reporting week
1. table - The table containing the weekly total amount and reporting week column
2. reportingWeekColumn - The name of the date column in the table
Return Type: Table
Exceptions: None

calculateMonthlyTotal = 
    "Monthly Total", SUM(table[WeeklyTotalAmount])

Usage Example:

Suppose we have a table named 'Sales' with columns 'ReportingWeek' and 'WeeklyTotalAmount'. We can utilize the calculateMonthlyTotal function to sum the weekly total amount for each month as follows:

MonthlyTotal = calculateMonthlyTotal(Sales, "ReportingWeek")

This function will create a new table showing the monthly total amount for each month based on the weekly total amount in the 'Sales' table.

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This DAX function calculates the monthly total amount by summing weekly totals for each month based on a specified table and date column.