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DAX Compliance Check for Meeting Attendance

This guide details a DAX formula to verify if at least one meeting occurred in January, February, or March, returning TRUE for compliance. It includes examples and explanation of core components in the formula.

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How can a DAX formula be constructed to determine compliance when meetings equal 1 in January, February, or March?


DAX Function to Determine Compliance

To construct a DAX formula to determine compliance when meetings equal 1 in January, February, or March, follow these steps:


This DAX formula checks if there was at least one meeting in any of the first three months (January, February, or March) of the year. If meetings were held in any of these months, the compliance check will return TRUE; otherwise, it will return FALSE.

Libraries or Modules

DAX is a formula language used in Power BI, Power Pivot, and Analysis Services. It does not require external libraries or modules.

Function: Compliance Check

// DetermineCompliance
//= Determines if meetings in January, February, or March equals 1
// Parameters:
// - MeetingsTable: The table containing meeting data.
// - DateColumn: The date column within the MeetingsTable that corresponds to meeting dates.
// Returns: TRUE if compliance is met; FALSE otherwise.
DetermineCompliance = 
VAR MeetingMonths = 
        MONTH(MeetingsTable[DateColumn]) IN {1, 2, 3},
        MeetingsTable[MeetingCount] = 1
    IF(COUNTROWS(MeetingMonths) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)


  1. Variables Definition: VAR MeetingMonths - This variable calculates the table filtered for dates in January, February, or March where meeting count equals 1 using CALCULATETABLE().

  2. Filtering: MONTH(MeetingsTable[DateColumn]) IN {1, 2, 3} - Filters records to include only those in January, February, or March.

    MeetingsTable[MeetingCount] = 1 - Ensures that only records with 1 meeting are counted.

  3. Conditional Logic: IF(COUNTROWS(MeetingMonths) > 0, TRUE, FALSE) - Checks if there are any rows remaining after filtering. If there are, it returns TRUE (compliance), otherwise FALSE (non-compliance).

Usage Example

Consider a table MeetingsTable with the following columns:

  • DateColumn (Date): The date of the meeting.
  • MeetingCount (Integer): The count of meetings on that date.

To illustrate usage:

// Create the table as follows:
MeetingsTable = 
    "DateColumn", DATE,
    "MeetingCount", INTEGER,
        {DATE(2023, 1, 5), 1},
        {DATE(2023, 2, 10), 0},
        {DATE(2023, 3, 15), 1},
        {DATE(2023, 4, 20), 1}

// Apply the compliance check
DetermineCompliance = 
VAR MeetingMonths = 
        MONTH(MeetingsTable[DateColumn]) IN {1, 2, 3},
        MeetingsTable[MeetingCount] = 1
    IF(COUNTROWS(MeetingMonths) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)

In this case, DetermineCompliance would return TRUE because there are meetings with a count of 1 in January and March.


This step-by-step DAX formula helps ensure an efficient, scalable, and readable compliance check for meeting attendance within specific months. For further learning, explore courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform to deepen your understanding of DAX and data analysis techniques.

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This guide details a DAX formula to verify if at least one meeting occurred in January, February, or March, returning TRUE for compliance. It includes examples and explanation of core components in the formula.