Code Generator | DAX

DAX Function for Calculating Ratio

CalculateRatio function in DAX adds values in one column to distinct values in another column, then divides by values in a third column. Easy-to-use for financial analysis in Power BI or Excel.

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add column 1 to distinct column 2 and divide by column 3


Function Name: CalculateRatio
Description: This DAX function calculates the ratio by adding values in column 1 to distinct values in column 2 and then dividing by values in column 3.
- Col1: Column containing numerical values to be added
- Col2: Column containing values to take distinct count before adding
- Col3: Column containing numerical values for division
Return Type: Sum of Col1 + DistinctCount(Col2) / Col3

CalculateRatio = 
SUM([Col1]) + DISTINCTCOUNT([Col2]) / SUM([Col3])

Usage example: Suppose you have a table named 'Data' with columns 'Revenue', 'CustomerID', and 'Expense'. To calculate the ratio based on the described logic, you can create a new column using the CalculateRatio function.

NewColumn = Data[CalculateRatio]

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CalculateRatio function in DAX adds values in one column to distinct values in another column, then divides by values in a third column. Easy-to-use for financial analysis in Power BI or Excel.