Code Generator | DAX

DAX Function for Divided Sum Calculation

This DAX function adds two columns from a table, then divides the sum by values in another column, with error prevention for division by zero. It is adaptable across various scenarios for sum and division calculations.

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add 2 columns together and divide by another column


Function: calculate_divided_sum
Purpose: Add two columns together and divide by another column
- column1: First column to be added
- column2: Second column to be added
- divisor_column: Column that will be used as the divisor
Return Type: Decimal number
Exceptions: None

calculate_divided_sum = 
DIVIDE(SUM('Table'[column1]) + SUM('Table'[column2]), SUM('Table'[divisor_column]), 0)

This DAX function calculates the sum of two columns ('column1' and 'column2') from a table called 'Table', then divides the result by the values in another column ('divisor_column'). The DIVIDE function is used to prevent division by zero errors by replacing them with a specified default value (0 in this case). The function is reusable and can be applied to different tables or scenarios where such calculations are required.

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This DAX function adds two columns from a table, then divides the sum by values in another column, with error prevention for division by zero. It is adaptable across various scenarios for sum and division calculations.