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DAX Function for Summing and Dividing Columns

The function calculates (SUM(DISTINCT column1) + SUM(column2)) / SUM(column3) in Power BI using DAX. Efficient for large datasets.

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add 2 columns together one of them distinct and divide by another column


Function: Calculate the summation of two columns (one distinct) and divide by a third column in DAX
- @table: Reference to the table in Power BI data model
- @column1: Column to be summed (distinct values)
- @column2: Column to be summed (non-distinct values)
- @column3: Column to divide the summation result
- Calculated result of (SUM(DISTINCT column1) + SUM(column2)) / SUM(column3)

AddAndDivideColumns = 
VAR SumColumn1 = SUMX(VALUES(@table[column1]), [@table][column1])
VAR SumColumn2 = SUMX(@table, [@table][column2])
VAR SumColumn3 = SUMX(@table, [@table][column3])
RETURN DIVIDE((SumColumn1 + SumColumn2), SumColumn3)
  • The function AddAndDivideColumns takes a table reference, two columns to be summed (one with distinct values), and a column to divide the summation result.
  • It calculates the sum of a distinct column using SUMX(VALUES(@table[column1]), [@table][column1]), sum of a non-distinct column using SUMX(@table, [@table][column2]), and sum of the division column using SUMX(@table, [@table][column3]).
  • Finally, it returns the result of (SUM(DISTINCT column1) + SUM(column2)) / SUM(column3).
  • This function is efficient and scalable for large datasets in Power BI.

Usage Example:

Result = AddAndDivideColumns('Sales', 'QuantityDistinct', 'Quantity', 'Price')
  • In this example, we calculate the total quantity of distinct products sold added to the total quantity of products sold, divided by the total sales amount ('Price') in the 'Sales' table.

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The function calculates (SUM(DISTINCT column1) + SUM(column2)) / SUM(column3) in Power BI using DAX. Efficient for large datasets.