Code Generator | DAX

DAX GetDistinctValues Function

The 'GetDistinctValues' DAX function retrieves unique values from a specified column in a dataset. It requires the table name and column name parameters. An error is raised if the provided table or column does not exist.

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get distinct values from dataset


Function: GetDistinctValues

This DAX function returns a table with distinct values from a specified column in a dataset.

- tableName: Name of the table containing the column with values
- columnName: Name of the column for which distinct values are to be retrieved

Return Type: Table

- If the tableName or columnName provided does not exist in the dataset, an error will be raised.


GetDistinctValues = 
DISTINCT(SELECTCOLUMNS(tableName, "Distinct_Values", columnName))

Usage Example:

Suppose we have a table named 'Sales' with columns 'ProductID', 'Category', 'Quantity', and we want to get distinct values from the 'Category' column.

DistinctCategories = GetDistinctValues("Sales", "Category")

This will return a table with unique values from the 'Category' column in the 'Sales' table.

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The 'GetDistinctValues' DAX function retrieves unique values from a specified column in a dataset. It requires the table name and column name parameters. An error is raised if the provided table or column does not exist.