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FindInvoices Stored Procedure

This code creates a stored procedure named FindInvoices that allows you to locate invoices in the Invoices table based on specific criteria. The stored procedure takes five parameters: InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, AccountNumber, ProductNumber, and

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SQL Query to locate invoices based off InvoiceNumber,InvoiceDate, AccountNumber, ProductNumber and Quantity


    @InvoiceNumber INT = NULL,
    @InvoiceDate DATE = NULL,
    @AccountNumber INT = NULL,
    @ProductNumber INT = NULL,
    @Quantity INT = NULL
    SELECT *
    FROM Invoices
    WHERE (@InvoiceNumber IS NULL OR InvoiceNumber = @InvoiceNumber)
        AND (@InvoiceDate IS NULL OR InvoiceDate = @InvoiceDate)
        AND (@AccountNumber IS NULL OR AccountNumber = @AccountNumber)
        AND (@ProductNumber IS NULL OR ProductNumber = @ProductNumber)
        AND (@Quantity IS NULL OR Quantity = @Quantity)

This code creates a stored procedure named FindInvoices that takes five parameters: @InvoiceNumber, @InvoiceDate, @AccountNumber, @ProductNumber, and @Quantity.

The procedure selects all records from the Invoices table where the invoice number matches the given @InvoiceNumber parameter, the invoice date matches the given @InvoiceDate parameter, the account number matches the given @AccountNumber parameter, the product number matches the given @ProductNumber parameter, and the quantity matches the given @Quantity parameter.

Using this stored procedure, you can locate invoices based on any combination of the provided parameters. If a parameter is not provided or is set to NULL, it will be ignored in the filtering process.

Example usage:

EXEC FindInvoices @ProductNumber = 1234, @Quantity = 10

This example will return all invoices where the product number is 1234 and the quantity is 10.

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This code creates a stored procedure named FindInvoices that allows you to locate invoices in the Invoices table based on specific criteria. The stored procedure takes five parameters: InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, AccountNumber, ProductNumber, and Quantity. It selects all records from the Invoices table where the corresponding parameter matches the provided value. You can use any combination of parameters to search for invoices, and if a parameter is not provided or set to NULL, it will be ignored in the filtering process.