Code Generator | Power BI


Function that generates a list of random numbers between a given start_num and end_num

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Create a function that produce 5


Function: generate_numbers

- start_num: The starting number (integer).
- end_num: The ending number (integer).

Return Type: List of integers.

- ValueError: If the start_num is greater than the end_num.
- TypeError: If either start_num or end_num is not an integer.

This function generates a list of five numbers between the start_num and end_num values (inclusive). 
The function validates whether the inputs are valid integers and ensures that start_num is not greater than end_num. 
If the inputs are valid, it returns a list containing the generated numbers.

def generate_numbers(start_num, end_num):
    if not isinstance(start_num, int) or not isinstance(end_num, int):
        raise TypeError('start_num and end_num must be integers')
    if start_num > end_num:
        raise ValueError('start_num must be smaller or equal to end_num')
    num_list = []
    for i in range(5):
        num = random.randint(start_num, end_num)
    return num_list

# Example of usage:
start_num = 1
end_num = 10
result = generate_numbers(start_num, end_num)

This code defines a function named generate_numbers that takes two parameters: start_num and end_num. It generates a list of 5 random numbers between start_num and end_num, ensuring both parameters are integers and that start_num is not greater than end_num. The function uses the random module's randint function to generate random numbers. An example of how to use this function is provided at the end.

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The generate_numbers function takes two parameters: start_num and end_num. It generates a list of 5 random numbers between start_num and end_num, ensuring both parameters are integers and that start_num is not greater than end_num. The function uses the random module's randint function to generate random numbers. An example of how to use this function is provided at the end.