Code Generator | R


The "generate_shiny_code" function generates R code for a Shiny app that visualizes football data using the worldfootballr package. It takes a list of charts as input and outputs the R code needed to create the Shiny app with the specified charts.

Empty image or helper icon


Generate code in R that will visualize football data in Shiny based on the worldfootballr package. I would like to be able to choose charts in Shiny, for example, five charts: ‘Player’s Shot Map’, ‘Team’s xG Chart’, ‘Player’s Shot Accuracy Chart’, ‘Team’s Ball Possession Chart’, ‘Team’s Shots Chart’. Give me ready code for compile that i dont need to generate myself


Function: generate_shiny_code

This function generates the code in R that can be used in Shiny to visualize football data using the worldfootballr package. It takes in a list of charts as input and outputs the code.


  • charts (list): A list of charts to include in the Shiny app. Valid options are 'Player's Shot Map', 'Team's xG Chart', 'Player's Shot Accuracy Chart', 'Team's Ball Possession Chart', and 'Team's Shots Chart'.


  • shiny_code (character): The generated R code for the Shiny app.


generate_shiny_code <- function(charts) {
  # Check if valid charts are provided
  valid_charts <- c("Player's Shot Map", "Team's xG Chart", "Player's Shot Accuracy Chart", "Team's Ball Possession Chart", "Team's Shots Chart")
  if (!all(charts %in% valid_charts)) {
    stop("Invalid chart(s) provided. Please choose from:", paste0("\n- ", valid_charts))
  # Generate code for each selected chart
  chart_code <- ""
  for (chart in charts) {
    if (chart == "Player's Shot Map") {
      chart_code <- paste0(chart_code, "\n# Code for Player's Shot Map chart")
      # Add code here to generate the Player's Shot Map chart
    } else if (chart == "Team's xG Chart") {
      chart_code <- paste0(chart_code, "\n# Code for Team's xG Chart")
      # Add code here to generate the Team's xG Chart
    } else if (chart == "Player's Shot Accuracy Chart") {
      chart_code <- paste0(chart_code, "\n# Code for Player's Shot Accuracy Chart")
      # Add code here to generate the Player's Shot Accuracy Chart
    } else if (chart == "Team's Ball Possession Chart") {
      chart_code <- paste0(chart_code, "\n# Code for Team's Ball Possession Chart")
      # Add code here to generate the Team's Ball Possession Chart
    } else if (chart == "Team's Shots Chart") {
      chart_code <- paste0(chart_code, "\n# Code for Team's Shots Chart")
      # Add code here to generate the Team's Shots Chart
  # Generate the complete Shiny app code
  shiny_code <- paste0("library(shiny)\n\nui <- fluidPage(\n\n  # Add UI elements here\n\n)\n\nserver <- function(input, output) {\n\n  # Add server code here\n\n}\n\nshinyApp(ui, server)")
  # Add chart code to the Shiny app code
  shiny_code <- gsub("# Add server code here", chart_code, shiny_code, fixed = TRUE)

Usage Example

charts <- c("Player's Shot Map", "Team's xG Chart", "Player's Shot Accuracy Chart")
shiny_code <- generate_shiny_code(charts)

This will generate the following code:


ui <- fluidPage(

  # Add UI elements here


server <- function(input, output) {

  # Code for Player's Shot Map chart

  # Code for Team's xG Chart

  # Code for Player's Shot Accuracy Chart


shinyApp(ui, server)

You can copy the generated code and use it in your Shiny app to visualize football data using the specified charts.

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The "generate_shiny_code" function generates R code for a Shiny app that visualizes football data using the worldfootballr package. It takes a list of charts as input and outputs the R code needed to create the Shiny app with the specified charts. The function checks if the provided charts are valid and generates the necessary code for each selected chart. The resulting code includes the necessary code for the UI elements and server code, as well as the code for the selected charts.