Code Generator | Python


This function employs Hugging Face models for generative AI projects, using a specified model to generate text based on a prompt. It includes parameters for model name and prompt, with error handling for invalid inputs. An example usage is provided

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code to use hugging face models for generative AI projects


Function to Use Hugging Face Models for Generative AI Projects

Purpose: This function is designed to utilize Hugging Face models for generative AI projects. It will take a prompt as input and generate text based on the prompt using the selected Hugging Face model.


  • model_name: The name of the Hugging Face model to be used for text generation
  • prompt: The prompt based on which the text will be generated

Return Type: String - Generated text based on the provided prompt

Exceptions: This function will raise an exception if the model_name is invalid or if there are any issues with the text generation process.

All Necessary Imports: The function will require the following imports:

from transformers import pipeline


def generate_text_with_huggingface(model_name, prompt):
        # Load the specified Hugging Face model for text generation
        text_generator = pipeline('text-generation', model=model_name)
        # Generate text based on the prompt using the loaded model
        generated_text = text_generator(prompt, max_length=50, num_return_sequences=1, do_sample=True)[0]['generated_text']
        return generated_text
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("An error occurred during text generation: " + str(e))

Code Usage Example:

generated_text = generate_text_with_huggingface('distilgpt2', 'Once upon a time')

This code will use the 'distilgpt2' model to generate text based on the prompt "Once upon a time" and then print the generated text.

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This function employs Hugging Face models for generative AI projects, using a specified model to generate text based on a prompt. It includes parameters for model name and prompt, with error handling for invalid inputs. An example usage is provided for clarity.